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Hiring a Muslim Cleaner

Getting fired by a Gay Boss

and not much more all on this weeks ep of GTKTD

Enjoy Or Not!





Reminded me of working as a porn clerk... What is seen can never be unseen. 😱


Welcome new legion members!🖤 Thanks Dead Bug 🖤


Fuckin DB, Ha! ladies he is the BF that is always doing some shenanigans ,that when he calls you to tell you about the cleaners and his stove you come over to rescue his sexy ass! Ha..& the next time he fucks up all you can think is I scrubbed your stove for you ,bastard! 😂😂


As a polish person, I hate that my family raised me to a good hard worker and it sucks. In a world of lazy ass people, I used more than the toliet seat in a buffet restaurant.


Hi Kim...same for me...it always made me angry and it still does.....


Dude, the empty box trick is rife in the UK but it’s not the Pakistanis you need to worry about, it’s the Irish Pikeys. This happened to 2 mates when I was a teen. One got a laptop filled with kitty litter and the other got a tv with a breeze block inside (it was an old box TV. Ducking hilarious!


Hi DB, I liked your podcast ( I like knowing about you..). I suppose that there is as much Gay in England as in Switzerland, but in England it seems to me that they rub it in your nose, it is more obvious......( in Switzerland if you are homo it is ok but you better shut the fuck-up, ) "" IT is just my opinion ""


You need to write a book, you are the most interesting person, like, ever!


I haven't been around much. I had two deaths in the last 7 days just 24 hours apart. one's my niece from my brother and the other from my sister. the one from my brother is a step niece. She died Thur in a car accident. The other niece died when she was hit by a car on her 17th birthday. Hit and run but they found her shortly after. so I'm sorry I haven't been around. It's hard because I don't deal well with death. I just keep picturing kassidy getting plowed by a car doing 70 mph. God sorry to be a Debbie downer.


Haaaa, funny hearing you talk about Brighton.. I moved from there a couple of years ago, lived on 'the gay side of town' too for the last part in Kemptown! Me and my girl both took girls home regularly, never had so much pussy in my life when I lived in Btown and even frequented the gay bars and had the best nights out doing blow with drag queens, dancing with lesbians haha.. Was a truly epic chapter of my life ;) and cannot wait for a time when we can move back!


Ass n Aids bar n grill lmao 😆