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This was going to be my art work but I figured it may upset a few trolls gunning for me.




I couldn't imagine why....💚🤮😂


Wait, some people know what Deadbug looks like where the hell was I?!


I'm with Tabby on this


Nice. Fuckin nice


I'm slightly disturbed on how there is enough material to make deatg by porn 4. As a educated, independent, sexually liberated middle aged woman I like to think porn could be empowering for consenting adults, It seemingly is more damaging than freeing it seems.


I love it!!!! Damn shame the trolls are running YT. I think this would've been perfect for the film but you don't need another strike. Thanks for sharing with us though. You do spoil us very nicely!!!😎😘💕💕


Oh, I thought I missed a face reveal, or something while I was under my rock.


He would never. I don't ever see that happening. Our man likes his anonymity, such as it is.


Totally understandable. He has some nutcases who seem to hold a grudge against him. I wouldn't want to be harrassed by those trolls.


Uh yeeeeeeahhh..that wouldn't fly. Kinda sad that anyone would LIKE that tho..even fans of yours. To each his own....just stay on your side of the street.


I fuckin love it! Damn the square world for stopping you from sending your art to the masses of the world, that is life. Your joints are much more PC than they used to be. Some time I'd love to see what you really want to show and say without a second thought about what others want. But then I'm a twisted fuck that grew up with high winds comming from every angle. Turning and twisting me into the delightful person before you. 😊 🖤💀🕷️


People can be so fucked up, they purposely choose to watch something then yelp and holler as loud as they can about there feelers getting crumpled. To justify their own cruelty. Can you imagine what could happen to Dead Bug if YT's masses knew who and where he was. It's better for us and him to have the privacy we have. I know I have taken it for granted, though I try not to.


When you quit YT go out with a bang. Do what thou wilt. Pleeeeeaaase. Even if it's from a different hollow account find the most depraved killers and run with it.