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I find this comment interesting and at least polite in the way it was put across. I occasionally get these comments from people who say they are or at least were fans but that my casual racism or Homophobia put them off. And that this is the reason my channel is not a success and that I loose fans every day.


1) My channel has been consistent from the very first video and if anything I have smoothed down those edges more and more with each week posted so for someone to say they used to be a fan I don't believe holds any validity.

It always worries me when people actually take the things I say seriously because for me you instantly stand out as a person in real life who walks around looking for things to be upset about ("What do you mean when you say "those people") I have said this many times but do you get offended by Homer Simpson? David Brent from "The Office"? Do these people encourage Racism and Homophobia? Anyone who truly watches my stuff and knows I mock everyone equally, including myself, whether saying Australians are all poor with bad teeth and ride camels or Americans are Hillbillies or Japanese eat smelly food, every culture takes a hit and it is all in a silly ignorant way that if anything makes me look more like an idiot than anyone. My overt remarks about woman and sexism, is anybody out there thick enough to think that someone who thinks like that has the ability but put the films that I put together?

2) I Am a comedy writer and a director who observes what I see around me and include it in the content I make and these people who give advice like if you didn't do this or you didn't do that... well, I used to be a professional musician and was pretty close to doing well for myself but it got to the point that I got fed up with people saying...if you only did this kinda music.... if the song was a little shorter..... if you only dyed your hair black. I finally thought if I did all those things I would not be me and creating how I want to create.

I mix dark comedy, commentary and documentary together, when I started doing it I was unaware that no one really did it  (Yeah I know Rob Dyke says he does it but I have yet to see any intentional comedy) and I had a core audience that loved it and as that audience grew then you get the haters and I am no different.

If I remove the elements that I put into my work then I am compromising and without those elements I'm just making a TV show and if Im just making a TV show why am I here? And not on Television working to those tight uncreative remits where you loose advertisers if you say sodomy or you can't mention the girl was shot in the head or the killer had sex with her after she was dead.

3) I think people like this are sad because they are so insecure about themselves that to say a word like fruity offends them? Really? As a strait male I joke about myself all the time, the fucked up relationships the child support and the list goes on but what makes any person feel they are immune to being poked fun at? Ever been to a gay pride day? I told you all the story about the big fat bald red headed guy I worked with and he married another big fat red headed gay guy and they wore white suits and posted it on face book and everyone said who beautiful they are..... really? I can't joke about that? But I can joke about other obvious things but that is off limits? Strait men and strait woman are equally joke worthy, as I mentioned on an earlier post "POTHEAD MIIKE" our local on-line lathario doing his best "How you doin?" Joey impression and then later incurring wrath his and my way because they turn abusive and I block them.

So I thought id post this comment and get peoples thought, in my opinion I get shit all the time from, your voice is a joke, hard to take this seriously with your voice, what's with all the "trying too hard" to be edgy and the list goes on and on. I always think, if Im not trying hard then what am I left with? Not caring? Not trying hard enough? 

My fathering the summer had a massive stroke and was in a coma and I still kept posting, a young loved one was hit by a car, is that because I try too hard?  I am in a unique position where I have done what I have done for a long time so when someone says you should have your own show it means nothing because I have had many shows and the disappointment and disillusionment with that industry made me start posting on YT.

4) One of the first films I made for YT was when I was working in Asia doing a cooking series over there and I was stuck in a hotel bored of sitting by the pool waiting for the chef to get ingredients together and all the shit they do and I read about a man with Aspergers who had been needlessly murdered and it made me cry because I have a son with the condition so I made a film about it and the response was overwhelmingly but I thought nothing of it. Then I made a film on a childhood friend Darlene Prioriello who had been murdered and again the response was overwhelming and the same with Finding Guntar a story I had told for years and in fact touched upon that story several times over the years in a couple of TV shows I made and people always loved it, now apparently it is hate content.

As you can see to my response to this woman who is a Lesbian offended I say the word fruity and with anybody with any clue of Americana or historical references is a term used in America in the 30's and 40's and to be offended buy it Im really not sure who you can be gay and proud just as much as girlfriends I have had who call me a womaniser or a mysoginist and me being offended, I am who I am and words others create for me don't bug me, in fact I have lost track of how many times I have been called a fag growing up because people associate a certain look to being gay even when I walk into a room with a beautiful woman....it never bothered me because being gay isn't a bad thing in fact it isn't even a thing, why must some people make it a thing?

You can see in my comment that I do point out to this woman who says she is a fan that I have never seen her on PATREON or PAYPAL so she can't be that much of a fan. I now do what I do because of you guys and I pst on YT to bring more people here, I didn't do it for the "hey this is amazing you need your own show" crowd because unlike other YOUTUBERS , Im not aspiring to move to Television Im aspiring to create gritty entertainment that is also humorous and stands out immediately as different. 

Also when this woman says I complain about being de-monetised.... I've never been  monetised so how can I complain? I tick the adult content fully aware that will never happen and even when I don't tick it for some of my more tame pieces, the large group of haters follow me around and flag that video as offensive and YouTube acting accordingly. What I do complain about is YouTube sticking commercials in front of my work and giving someone else money and youth not even marking me as a creator so unlike other channels like "Criminally fisted" Rob Dyke" "Scary Mysteries" I can't email YT and ask questions or defend myself, they do what they want and treat me accordingly.

5) I tell this story to people about my old channel before is was removed, I was listed as a creator and YT sent out an email to me saying because of the watch time and number of subs you have we are inviting you to our creators conference where you can pick up tips and meet other YOUTUBER'S, and although this not being my sort of thing I thought, why not, In really interested in YT and the creativity I am able to practice here with my growing fan base. So I emailed them to book my spot and they emailed me back and said " We don't want your type of creator at our conference" and a month later my channel was taken down, when I appealed 10 minutes later that appeal was rejected.

So let me hear your thoughts guys and gals, and please don't say start another channel with cleaned up content.

And I don't post this to get  "Deadbug these people are dicks, you're great" I generally get to a point when things get tough of being baffled at how I can become a posting on Reedit where morons accuse me of having proxy accounts where I go around pimping myself. all this brings me closer to PATREON only.

And remember "Retard" is only a word, I don't provide any visual reference to it, the viewer creates that themselves.





I love what you said about "the viewer creats that himself". That is spot on and important, because when people instantly see a problem with everything, THEY are usually the problem. I canceled the TV in my house, its a bunch of BS, and I dont need it. I come to your channel for entertainment, but also I know Ill get the truth about a crime, not some diluted, pearl-clutching, milque toast version. We are adults now, and go looking for you especially, why the Hell wouldnt they want that? The fact that just by your numbrs they did want you, proves their bias.


People live in the realm of illusion, the brain actually trains people that way, they say if that guy who drives by in his truck and honks his horn, knew that he didn't have a chance in the world to obtain a girl like you, he'd kill himself, so they tell themselves your stuck up, a lesbian whatever, the brain does that to keep them going (Im not making this up. People go around virtue singling to be part of a tribe who think they are moralistic people. They say that tribe has now replaced religion that for all intents and purpose is dying in the western world. Point fingers. I read an article not so long ago that the internet actually destroyed allot of music carreers, someone like LINP Biscuit sold millions of albums but once tribes started to post on the Internet that he was lame he disappeared because basically they people swarm as a group, giving approval to something or hating it and those who don't go along with the majority are dropped from the tribe. That group on reedit convincing my fans that I have multiple accounts on reedit pimping myself. Some people questioned that and when they did they were slammed down and were saying.... yeah maybe you are right. Anyone who knows me knows I don't give a fuck, don't forget when I started my YouTube channel I had top 10 TV series, I started it as an alternative creative outlet and people responded in such a positive way I thought, okay maybe this is something different. The trolls only came later my names grew. There is a whole book about these people called DENIALISM.


First of all, don’t ever stop being you. Don’t change for anyone. I think you know that already. The reason I subbed to you is because you TELL IT LIKE IT IS. No bull shit, you don’t sugarcoat True Crime. You show how many humans really are, how society operates underneath the guise of a false sense of security. Many people don’t like to face that aspect of themselves they like to think that the world is perfect and that nothing bad ever happens if they don’t think about it, it will go away. That’s a dangerous way to think and go about your life. The naivety of some people get them killed. Some people are always waaay too offended and have zero sense of humor. Those are the people you want to avoid at all cost. I absolutely love what you do. I apologize that I had to downgrade my monthly donation because of unexpected hospital bills, but I will get caught up soon. You are very talented. Don’t take the negative comments too seriously. Try to focus on the good ones. The negative people are only projecting their ugliness onto you. It has nothing to do with you. Something triggered an unhealed childhood trauma hahaha


Also, I laugh my ass off every time you say “Easy Peasy Japanesey” especially in the Girl A episode that was comedy gold


People are professionals at being offended nowadays,I just do the ignore and walk away thing when I run into them.


I like your content and don't care about the stuff she complained about, but I think you could have afforded to go a bit easier on her. She's just a fan who cares about the content and felt offended, which we all do at some point or another. I didn't get virtue signalling vibe concerns from her, otherwise she would have acted holier than thou about it. I just think it was a genuine problem she was having, however unimportant most of us think it is.


I see this a lot on Twitter, and it drives me insane. I've seen females actually say they are victims just because they are females. I saw one girls tweet because it went viral... For comparing being female and leaving her house to riding a bicycle in New York City... The traffic being men. Never knowing when she'd get "hit"... And all these fucking brain dead bitches saying Ya! I can't even leave my house without worrying about getting raped, there are places I won't go at night bc I'm female.... On and on. And bc I'm kind of an asshole and can't let that shit slide, I had to say something. I was like first of all, where are going that u can't go bc strictly bc you're female? I'd bet ten to 1, it's not a place ANYONE could or should go alone, at night. Second, I refuse to play victim bc I am a female. I'm not stupid, so I won't go CERTAIN places alone at night, but to not leave my house after dark, simply bc I have a vaj?! Lol, that's ridiculous and so are you for playing the victim card and all you have is a deck full of what-ifs. What if my grandmother had balls? You can't play that game. They do tho. People need to step it up and stop letting people talk them into or out of something. That being said, if some unknown poster on Reddit can talk someone out of being a fan, they aren't fans you want anyway. Those are the type that love you as long as you're doing what they like. The second you don't, instead of saying eh, not my fav, but I'm looking forward to the next one... They say Omg, what is this?? How come you changed it up? Why'd you do a vid on this person, etc etc etc and end with I'm unsubbing... To which I'd say, bitch, this isn't an airport, no one cares about your departure. Who wants followers anyway? I don't mean people that follow your social media, I mean weak minded people who let others opinions outweigh their own. I've always been a like what I like person anyway, so I never understood people like that. I had a best friend in school, and beyond, but she was like that. She would like one thing, especially if her boyfriend was into that. They split up, and her next boyfriend could be totally opposite, hate the things her last bf loved, and she'd now hate that stuff too, like music, or style of clothes, and she'd become everything that new bf was, or new friend. They actually have a name for that besides insecure, Borderline Personality Disorder. We are no longer friends bc with BPD, you also get narcissism and I got tired. But, I'll have guy friends that I guess dated her for a bit and they all said the same thing... She's fucking nuts, I couldn't deal with it anymore. Yep, I hear that. Lol! Anyway, oh and with limp biscuit, wasn't Derst being a dick, saying some nasty shit about his ex, Britney, who was like reallyyyyy young at the time? And didn't he go toe to toe with Eminem? Who at that time was a rap superstar? I'm pretty sure he got himself screwed, from what I remember anyway. I liked them back then. Also, Eminem has turned cunty too. He acted like he was in your face, fuck you if you don't like it, blah blah, and now? Lol, he completely bent the knee. He not only bent the knee, and deep throated the man, he then bent forward so the man could fuxk him in the ass, dry. Now, he's a bitch. Their bitch. Any old Em fans that I know, dropped him like a hot turd. I still listen to his old shit, but I wouldn't even use his newest CD to scoop cat shit out the liter pan. It'd be an insult to cat shit. And I hate liter boxes and all that's in em, lol! Stay Golden Pont Boy. You have way more solid fan base that I think you know. And, it's growing.


At the risk of being ostracized by my fellow patrons, I gotta say your work is so rich in content, that you must be killing yourself with the weekly productions. if you were to post a new film twice a month or at some other frequency it wouldn't, upset me, I dont know how you do it without burning out, Shit television shows use teams of people to air weekly shows. and even the best content tv has to offer isn't as good as yours. How about deadbug on 2 episode per disk DVD's. then anybody can watch them at a buddies house. You ever notice how on every album ever made even the best bands will put a couple songs on it that suck, I guess they feel their fans ain't worthy of an album full of hits. Iso far I haven't watched one of your films that wasn't excellent, and I have red lines under 99% of your videos on youtube. Much thanks. I hope if these ideas all suck that no one holds it against me.


I say this as a true fan and heterosexual man. Fuck them all DEADBUG just fuck them all. Why do people need to point out that shit we are all one


Keep doing what you do best brother LFNLSON 😎




Wow!! I liked your response a lot - you pointed out things i would have never thought of about her not even supporting your work and trying to use your site as a platform for her bullshit. You're right - there are a lot of gay people here, and a lot of straight people too - none of us give a shit about racism, phobias of any kind, crass remarks, or foul language! We love you because youre ANYTHING BUT "politically correct" - I really AM A FAN and i really DO support your work, like everyone else here, and honestly we dont really want to have to deal with pansies whining about everything. That's not what this place is about. THANK YOU FOR STANDING YOUR GROUND!


People never cease to amaze me... I live in North Carolina and I'm certainly not a hillbilly but when you made the COLD Episode with the case I suggested from my state, NC, you said something along the lines of, "...or whatever hillbillies do...". I thought to myself, haha... That's funny. Why can't Everyone be that way? DB is just the type who's gonna say something that will be a friendly jab at everyone at some point... Don't be like these snowflakes. Be like me. Worry about things you can actually change. Don't worry about things that you can't, and don't need to be anyways.


My comments are generally meant to show my ignorance, Im poking fun at myself, just like when I make fun of English peoples teeth (my kids are English) I love NC and SC and used to visit often but shallow sensitive people are to stupid to see my remarks are like being offended by Homer Simpson..... how can you take it serious?


It's the whole "hive mind" mentality. Once one bee decides to start hating something or someone and bashes it/ them, (especially someone with some sort of "influence") everyone else has to join in. Reddit is the fucking worst like that. I mean they put an innocent person's life at risk after thinking they solved the Boston marathon bombing and plastering some dude who had nothing to do with it EVERYWHERE. Hive mind mentality is becoming more and more of a thing since some humans are too stupid to think for themselves so they just hop on a bandwagon of hate to feel like they belong. I should have wrote my thesis paper on that. It's so bizarre. And lame. (But interesting to see how it happens... People are fucking weird.)