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Her is Pothead mike on my most recent upload complaining about her, why must he do this on my comment section, what they don't realise I but my kids shoes from my work, Im not fucking around or playing games, so him being an online Lathario hurts my children!




Oh, Jesus Christ on a cracker, WTF?! This isn't highschool! 😡😤👿 Is he a Patron? Should we talk to him?


I've always been friendly with him and Dymarys. I thought the were patrons.


Neither one is a patron. Both have their issues. Mike involved Deadbug a year ago. I worried it was a bad move. Darcy is looking for targets that are associated with Mike. She is a married woman with adult children that has no life from what I gather.


I'm a divorced woman with (mostly) and grown children that has no life! Don't knock it till you try it! 😉 (I'm kidding of course.) I can't imagine how bored I would have to be to stalk someone on YouTube. I didn't even know what was possible unless you're a creator. I found the thread DB posted and they're STILL going at it! Last post was 17 minutes ago! WTF? Don't they have actual real life problems? I just ate two tiny baked potatoes and a slice of pumkin pie for breakfast because I've been very sick and out of a caretaker for awhile. My main concern is getting to the grocery store before I'm worn out for the day. I don't really ever think of some asshole on YT past the 30 seconds it takes to go on to the next video.


Tragic sad people, I have learnt to just keep to myself and my own channel, don't roam from it.


I'm not able to be here often, but what the ??!! Let's all agree on one thing, at least--L U V ya Deadbug💀❤


They need to take this high school drama somewhere else. This is just bullshit!!!! People really need to grow up!!!🤬😤🤬


Strange, that’s the whole vibe of when people were saying I was you on reddit...


This is absolutely fucked up!!


Just let pothead know there is no more tag a troll games that it hurts your channel success. In his mind he probably thinks he helping. I'm way fucking behind on what's been happening.


The thing is, he is not defending me, this person is someone mike had an online relationship with and fucked over now they just go from channel to channels comment section bickering, he pretty well demanded I block this woman who was harassing him and now she comes and abuses my subs and flags my work.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 21:54:18 Wild & stupid childish stuff . It definitely opening my eyes to fucking with a troll could hurt the creators I love.
2019-10-23 17:55:01 Wild & stupid childish stuff . It definitely opening my eyes to fucking with a troll could hurt the creators I love.

Wild & stupid childish stuff . It definitely opening my eyes to fucking with a troll could hurt the creators I love.