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Someone is spending a lot of time obsessing over you to keep doing this and it feels like it's more of a Youtube entity at this point that is constantly nitpicking. I've seen so many legitimate worse videos not to mention if someone stole this exact video they wouldn't remove it from that person. I really am tired of supporting YouTube anymore.


This has been up for two years on my other account so I have rushed over and made this private, now. I support myself on these accounts and people fuck with me and risk me not putting food on the table....Its a brand new world people!


For me it is heartbreaking it really is, I report these trolls, send multiple messages from this person to eBay and I get a strike for a video flagged by the troll.


Fuck YT! They are biased. Any twat can make a stupid video where you watch them talk with a few pics floating by. Finding Guntar was a great documentary about the real world. There was no nudity but there was a lesson. YT allows violence, crime,drug dealers, war etc. I hate how much they fuck you it's ridiculous. The thought police/ SJW's are going too far. These rich idealistic kids are most likely just going with the flow fuckin sheep. Is there anything anyone can do to help you? I know you have changed your casts to a friendlier tone to walk the line. But fuckin hell incell transexuals have gone to far. They are doing just what the government wants. Creating chaos and distracting the world from the real problems. In the US we have a bobble head for a president and our government thinks they are the police of the world. Uggg these rich sjw's are going to hate living in the world they created. I hope to leave this country as soon as I'm done with college. Hell, sorry for the rant. I will stop now. Fuckin Bewildering idiocy. Wins every time. The super rich will keep there precious money and the poor will fight each other and never look up at the true oppressors. Again apologies for the rant. I only hope someday that the world will be torn apart and a new world rebuilt from the rubble .🔫🔪 No more police gangs. Okay I'm done now, everything feels like a roll of the dice.


I can't imagine pouring my heart in time into something only to have jealous ignorant individuals causing so many issues. It isn't fair and I am really sorry you have to deal with this. I look forward to your videos and wish there was an endless amount to watch! I support you and will continue to do so as long as you're on here making amazing content. It's not ok but know you have way more supporters than haters. Must be doing something right Deadbug 💜


I don't understand how someone you've never met can be so hateful,hide behind false identity and regularly try to ruin what so many love SMH


It is someone that POT HEAD Mike knows who was following him around and POTHEAD Mike Begged/Demanded I block her "STARGAZER" and since then I get constant emails saying "Simp" DEADBUG IS A SIMP"


I do remember that debacle, my thoughts is he was being a bitch and it ended up biting you in the ass


They both have problems that should have never involved you, I'm sorry.


This was a shit way to start the day. I'm depressed now that whomever this is can't see past beyond their petty spite on a video that showed a man losing everything BECAUSE he got passed his own non-petty spite, who had lost his best friend, saw the truly gruesome depths of human depravity and still didn't lose his humanity.


H.B. deserved better. 😔


Yeah, Tabby..Mike is a better person than Darcy but he shouldn't have asked Deadbug to block her. She used to be a fan and said nice things to Deadbug. Her problem is with Mike. What she's doing to Deadbug is a result of being blocked but only because Mike demanded it. He stayed off the channel for months hiding from her until that fateful request.


Marsha I'm gonna be nice, he is a bully and I know that personally. For all the pimping he says he does for Deadbug why isn't he here with us???


Yes he did, Deadbug immortalized him with his video, so try to not be depressed 🤗🤗