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1I have had a troll for the last few months that I believed to be STARGAZER, this person has multiple accounts and each time the only thing they post is S"SIMP" or "DEADSIMP" this morning I got this messages on FINDING GUNTER and about 3 hours later has been removed for hate speech 




Damn I fucking hate TROLLS..🤬..but DEADBUG..💀.. you’re the only YouTuber I believe that has quality content period! So you know what I say to TROLLS..🖕..☺️..🖕..


I can't download it to save my life. Can someone please give me the gist?


Fuck don't these people have anything better to do with there lives


Nevermind, I was being stupid. Not as stupid as this fucking troll, though. 😤😡👿


Boob tube took Gunther down, did not strike it tho 😠


That's my favorite joint after killing an angel. It makes me sad this coward behind a keyboard can't see that it's a really beautiful case study on how you really can't judge a person who you only see a few hours a day in a very limited environment and time span in their entire life. We're deeper than that.


Mike should have dealt with her without involving you, Deadbug. That woman is crazy. Being a troll has become her life.


Mike should grow the fuck up and stop playing online lathario and stick to being with woman in the fish instead of the digital world!


This is juat ridiculous! These fucking kids need lives! They need to get the fuck off their phones and go meet some real people! Pathetic fucking trolls!! Deadbug just remember the legion has your back! We are with you all the way and 100%!!!


Where does YT stand on harassment on your end? Obviously you have the notifications/ emails to prove that they message you multiple times a day etc can they step in?


Her again? Unbelievable. Sorry, man.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 21:54:18 Sorry you’re having to go through this Deadbug. Especially, drama traffic coming from a supporter. A real pot head wouldn't fuck with a troll that much b/c they wouldn’t care. Lol! I’m an introvert & unfortunately, that shows even online. So I don’t comment a lot. Just know I’m always here for you, & will stand behind you no matter what happens. Legion!! Hope my fam has been doing well besides all this drama shit going on. Had no idea PotHead Mike was like that! He was always super nice to me what lil I did comment, but you never know sometimes.
2019-10-21 23:08:46 Sorry you’re having to go through this Deadbug. Especially, drama traffic coming from a supporter. A real pot head wouldn't fuck with a troll that much b/c they wouldn’t care. Lol! I’m an introvert & unfortunately, that shows even online. So I don’t comment a lot. Just know I’m always here for you, & will stand behind you no matter what happens. Legion!! Hope my fam has been doing well besides all this drama shit going on. Had no idea PotHead Mike was like that! He was always super nice to me what lil I did comment, but you never know sometimes.

Sorry you’re having to go through this Deadbug. Especially, drama traffic coming from a supporter. A real pot head wouldn't fuck with a troll that much b/c they wouldn’t care. Lol! I’m an introvert & unfortunately, that shows even online. So I don’t comment a lot. Just know I’m always here for you, & will stand behind you no matter what happens. Legion!! Hope my fam has been doing well besides all this drama shit going on. Had no idea PotHead Mike was like that! He was always super nice to me what lil I did comment, but you never know sometimes.


People are becoming nastier and nastier, I wish you could learn some compartmentalisation skills in dealing with the reading of these hate filled troll comments. I get the feeling that they are trying to burrow under your skin. It's hard on a person to deal with so much miss guided anger directed at you. I know you have deleted a lot of these comments. I feel you do this to protect your Legion and to stop Legion from reacting strongly/protectively to these abusive comments. I suppose I'm just concerned about the misguided inraged hate filled comments you read. If I have learned one thing it's that it's almost impossible to not be effected negatively. Maybe there is a creative way to deal with these scum bags. Using Patreon. You could do some hate comments of the week, after you have taken the comments down so no one engages with the person like the PotheadMike/troll incident maybe we could vote on the most fucked up comment in a way that changes the energy of the trolls comments and make fun of em. You could maybe have a winner and put them up a teir for a week. So it also advertises the extra stuff people would get if they go up a tier. I don't know just brainstorming on less negativeity going your way.