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I always find it interesting when I get contact from the victims family, or at least commenters who say they are the victims family. This one seems like the real deal (I have pinned the comment) This poor girl from the slums of Manchester U.K was brutalised beyond what one could imagine, the 16 year old never went to school, hung out with the scum of the earth and not once was their assign of a parent and yet now over 26 years later while the mother sits at home cooling her long dead daughter she finds me and administers threats, it's a pity she did not look out for her daughter so stridently when she was alive


too late, she is gone I guess as she said to get her lawyer. Really a bit sad he said this is my sister and left a heart, that made me sad.



Amazing! What a worthless wench the mother is. She seems like the type that will start a "go fund me" page claiming PTSD, 26 years later. The only artful and graceful deed done for the poor, departed girl in life or death was probably Deadbugs wonderful film. I missed the pinned comment, but I can only imagine! Hi DB!


Damn, looks like it was deleted. Can you post the alert?


Wow some people need a life. Obviously If you didnt care when she was alive why start now. But people are like that she feels guilt over how she did her daughter and is gonna take it out on you.


Reminds me of the time Eminem's own mother sued him in court. Now another uncaring mother is trying to put the extortioner's squeeze on my man Deadbug. A cold world it certainly is...


It's not about her daughter DB sadly it's about money she try to sue you for MONEY MONEY MONEY fucking sad shame on her


This video has been up for over a year. Yeah she really gives a shit. SAD FUCKING SAD 😞😖


She is projecting her regrets on to you. This was of course a well made video. I can’t imagine losing a family member in that horrific manner, she must be haunted. But, she needs to get help and not drag you into it


Hi DB! Thank you, I'm doing well. My health is much improved, just needed a rest is all. This is a big week and thank you for your help!


Take care of yourself mate and I am sure this company of yours will be a winner!


Pathetic. Please .You think this lady projects much?😉😁😒


It's good her brother is respectful.


every time i watch a show about children going missing or found dead, and see the parents talk shit about the cops "not doing their job" makes me want to spit in their faces - THIS IS YOUR KID, you fucking shithead. They went missing on YOUR WATCH! YOU know more about where the kid might be than the cops - get your fucking ASS OUT THERE and look for them every day and night till you drop! and stop "blaming" the fucking cops, who are trying to help you FIND the child that you fucked up and lost!