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Happy Sunday and let's all welcome the new Patrons together, Simon, Lisa 2531, Kim, this is where the cool kids hang, in this podcast I talk about Zombie Moose, The casting business in film and the Walrus of love Harvy Weinstein.






100% Agree with you DB.


Yeah..they fucked Weinstein purposely. They didn't trip and fall on his cock.


Moving sucks!


You make a choice, he didn't rape them, he used them and they used him.


That's smart Deadbug, very smart. I seem to have the kinda luck that works out to "The more money I have, the more problems seem to manifest around me." As fame hungry as some people are (God, I would hate that.), I can absolutely see these people using any advantages they have to move up and into the spotlight. And then that spotlight dims, because, well, we all age, don't we? Maybe you weren't as talented as you hoped. You can fight it tooth and nail, get all the plastic surgeries, crash diets, hair dyes and wigs, but time comes for everyone eventually. I'm not claiming to not be vain by any stretch of the imagine. I've been hemming and hawing what color to dye my hair for two weeks, I LOVE make-up, but thinking of HAVING to do, everyday, for hours, it makes me queasy. The latest trend here among parents wanting to make their children loose weight, almost ALWAYS the same ones in dance, music, choir, you guys know what I mean, right? Like beauty pageant folk. Well, this evil new "treatment" thing is a "tongue patch". I don't think it's FDA approved as every case I've seen was parents taking their kids to Juarez to do it. They sew a square, plastic mesh patch on the tongue, which causes swelling and excruciating pain for around 6 days. The girl(and maybe guys, although I haven't seen one yet, but I'm sure there are.) can't eat solid food, can't have anything even a little acidic like soda, so just basically lives off ice cubes and broth for 7 days. Then the doctor removes it, and the kids have ANOTHER 3-5 days of terrible pain whist healing. Then they have a 30 "break", and from my understanding do it all over again until the kids reaches the desired goal weight. It's brutal, horrifying and blows my mind that people could be so terrible as to torture their own children. I've seen 4 girls with them so far this year, sadly they were all over 18, so we couldn't call CPS, and we could do was give them numbers to call if the desired to escape, as we have excellent DV shelters here, but everyone if them thought it was for their own good and their parents loved them.😔 Jesus, I hate society sometimes.


"trip and fall on his cock" 😂🤣😅 I really wish I'd come up with that 23 years ago when my ex-mil was demanding to know how her Saint of a son could've possibly knocked me up!


Dude i got an email from THE KING OF NIGERIA! apparentl;y all i have to do is send him 5000$ and when he gets to the US he will give me 1.3 million! dude i can cut you in if you want. we can go 50/50


Hey slurpy DB, missed you last night on the live stream! I said evening all but was ignored!!! Too many legion now lol. 🐞🕷🦗🐜💋


I wasn't there so I never ignored you :☺️


That deal is even sweeter then mine, check out if he will become a PATREON!


I know you didn't, that's kind of the point lol. Xxx


I received notification about Suzanne Capper...but was the mother's comment posted somewhere? Ohhhh yes I heard of ZOMBIE DEER. Ppl didn't believe me when I mentioned it. I'm glad to hear that you know about this DeadBug. It's funny but not...lol


Harvey got fucked over just for playing the game. This goes back to that Natalie Portman incident with Moby. First these skanks are grateful then they will stab you in the back once they reached fame.


That is the perfect example, anyone doesn't believe Natalie Portman was in the same bed with Moby are blind snd then when he mentions it she rewrites History and plays the victim and alludes to him being a dirty old man.


loved the podcast like always ! (things will eventually get better i hope cause i'm in the same boat ... ( i ended in jail for a month ... that's why i took more time to get back here )i think every crack that could happen to me ... did happen so ... anyway have a nice one ! and for the legion also have a got week everyone!


Could you forward me that email... pretty please :D


The one that makes you make 2000 every day just working from home :D


Nooo I just listened to this again. Nooooooo, dead bug, save me from the zombie deer coming to my state! Been postponing moving, the moment i see a zombie deer, I'm leaving America. Save me, db! I don't want to become a zombie deer. 😭😭