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Just a catch up!

I forgot too Include Lucifer Death Squad in my shout out, but that is because I'm afraid to insure any more bad luck by even saying the dark lords name on this channel!

Apologies for anyone I forgot, I love you all.... the chicks more than the dudes but I still love you all!





Deadbug is a simp alright... simply divine! So sorry you’re going through such a rough patch, and then having to deal with this on top. Lesser people would give up, stay strong and focused. You know, I look to people like James Ellroy, who is an award winning literary giant, he is not afraid to use ANY words and these people who are so hyper focused on your language couldn’t even deal with one page of an Ellroy novel. They’re weak, pathetic and uneducated. You’re at the forefront of something great, you’re The Damned releasing New Rose in 1976, you’ve got IT and that always makes people afraid, jealous and scared. All the best to you 😘😘😘


I’m going to the electric chair next week. Chin up DB and fuck the haters they ain’t worth your time.


Sorry to hear of the needless headaches DB. Just keep the Legion posted as to where we can watch your features and creations! As you go so I go. Fuck these two faced soft-skins and trolls. LEGION FOREVER!!!


Ahhh, mike is core dude. He was immature to engage but we have all done it at one point or another, including yourself. Maybe just put the word out... just leave the trolls be 😂. All they want is acknowledgement anyway and that’s the truth.


mike has always been great and I agree but the troll he brought and is engaging on my channel causing me strike so I want that shit to end.


I'll watch your alternative mom channel just to hear her have to say fuck and retard. 😊Yeah, you let us all down when you said fruity, unbelievable.


How can you only have 7000? I thought we were up over 10,000!


Thanks for the shout. I wouldn't be hurt or take it personal if you never shouted me out. I donate for the amazing content you put out. None the less , thank you. From experiencing countless personal tradegy and losses, I know , when it rains it pours. Keep your head up. It's amazing how drastically things can change in the blink of an eye though. Keep at it with the channel. You have somewhat of a cult following going and success will follow im sure.


Why is this so hard this morning?! Cliff notes: my 12 year old gay son went from hating you to really respecting you and liking you enough to volunteering to host a Discord. How? You responded to him when I made the comment he didn't like it. You've given me good advice on a scary persoal I have, you ALWAYS ask about him, but most of all, it's because your work makes me excited, more vibrant (as he put it) more motivated to keep on writing my stories, and legacy so even if I die, he'll have it. At least it's something.


Oh that's great, wow only 12 years old, good for him knowing who he is, I wish I knew what I was at that age, I guess keeps are smarter these days.


Message me whatever you wanna say to whomever and by God I'll copy and paste that shit to their flipping forehead,and if I can't thump them with my ring finger in the forehead or temple it'll at least be as a reply to their stupid ass,I'll take the heat hahaha


Sending you love DB ❤️💋 hate to hear you’re having a rough time right now. Your legion family is always here ❤️❤️


HI KT, I finished Ellroy's new novel This Storm which is the second in the new LA Quartet after Perfidia. Lots of Dudley Liam Smith in this one. Spectacular. You're right, DB is like Ellroys dirty demon-dog setting the world ablaze. Cheers, Sean