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Joe Rogan | When Did SJW Culture Start?

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1221: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG6HbWw2RF4



Well then, I broke a promise to myself by posting. oO Oh, and fuck the SJW crowd and all they stand for.


I don't think I've ever met one, but damn they make the internet weird. I don't think they'd like DEADBUG's films 😄


And where will it end ? It won't. Seems they are being indoctrinated from birth .. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/23/john-marsden-on-the-toxic-parenting-pandemic-ive-never-seen-this-level-of-anxiety


SJW is another word for Liberal pussy.


I'm just another Legion member.


Sjws have forever ruined any type of different hair color or different, off the beaten path hair style for me for EVER. Fuck em all. Seriously. I can't even stand a single one of em. Made me switch to die hard anti-liberal, lol, and I ain't kidding, ughhh.


Oh, and my pic here, with the shaved side, is so fucking old already, lol! It's from when I first started this account in 2015 (pic is from 2014 tho, when I worked in a high end salon, and everyone had to have different hair styles, funky) and Patreon cocksuckers won't let me change it. They wouldn't let me do anything until I finished my "creator" page..... The one I made by accident when I first signed up for Patreon & honest to God, I even wrote it in my description that it's a mistake, I'm NOT a creator, thinking ok, they need to approve this shit, they'll see what I wrote and change it... Nope, lol, they put it thru. With my updated pic, and the Patreon side, left me hanging with a old ass pic. The sjws took that hair style over in '16/17 and mine is now grown out, THANK GOD, lol! I had to clarify that 😉


Ikr .... not to mention piercings and body art. I noticed one of my customers yesterday had nipple rings inserted thru the outside of her clothes... like advertising it. (Snag? Ouch) Called a lady m'aam just to watch the chiq bristle. But I do like seeing the Chinese tats that dont mean what the canvas owner thinks they mean. Gives me great pleasure to see "lo mien" when they think it means peace.


This shit goes back a lot farther then I think many realize if you read certain "people who fall outside of the box" you'll see them noting things that grew to what we have now. Aleister Crowley said in the early part of the last century that basically people are becoming grown children fighting over the most silly things and not being trusted to cross the road by themselves and now? Well look at the SJW's or even the movie fan bases people are out of their damn minds today and very much grown children who can't grasp reality and think you make things right by throwing a fit and hollering loud enough. In short we be fooked and probably the only way to fix it is like flushing a giant toilet LOL!


Gen Z is awful. I have to deal with them everyday and they make me want to stab myself in the face. They are the "everyone deserves a trophy, I'm right even when I'm wrong, don't trigger me or I'll have a panic attack so I need a trigger warning before any and every thing, ihave to take a picture of myself every where, narcissistic, definition of being a snowflake.... but it's an ENTIRE GENERATION". I fear for the future.


These pussy snowflakes just need to be made to go play outside while growing up and get into fights. Stay off the fuckin cell phones .


Also I think every American should have to at least do a couple of years in the military. It'll definitely help.