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After what has been an interesting week with my channel temporarily taken down then a strike and us fighting together to gt that strike removed by YT, i thought id update everybody on things but also take the chance to welcome all our new PATREONS and after the channel scare we got a nice little number so welcome!!!!! 




channel update



Here is a page from patreon help https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/206259126-Will-Declined-Patrons-Still-Get-Access-to-my-Content-


I checked out my assertion and confirmed that non-paying persons can still comment and engage the community of a creator that they do not pay to support. I left a comment on a page of a fellow I follow over on YT and here. If you go to my profile page you can probably see who it is. I commented on his most recent post. I generally will not do such a thing but wanted to test it out. Peace out and have a great Sunday.


I'm going to try myself thank you for the heads up 😊


I dont know how that can be possible, this posting here, it goes out to paying customers, non paying patrons just get a sign up page when they click on it. If anyone cane figure out different and an easy way to let me know for sure let me know. Bit other wise, I work 7 days a week and the time aint there to figure suff like that out which can someone like me a day.


You are totally correct but you do have to be a paying member of patreon.im gonna message you on boob tube kk


I just went over to another Creator and Yes I can see the Post and I could comment I didn't tho. I don't know what to think of this????


Deadbug I'm on it don't worry I will get you some answers


At this point if that is the case it is shit but to be honest, I do enough, I'm not gonna spend a day trying to change that. if anyone else can figure it out great, but when I post anything, it says only paying patrons can comment, they give me an option to make it public to all patreon.... but I click the box that says, only people who pay. So for me to question that and piss a whole day that I should be talking to a bank or figuring out how to pay my cable bill.... well you get the idea.


Don't worry I will get you there answers I'm on it and when I say I will do it..... I do it and I do it and do it well LoL


Hello and welcome. We may not all be French, but we DAMN SURE have a LEGION. Glad you all finally made it to the big leagues, this is where it all goes down. Now that you are here help spread the word to all your friends. LEGION FOREVER!!


I just checked out 5 creators on Patreon that I follow on YT, and once I clicked on comment, I was directed to the payment section, therefore, I couldn't see the comments, nor comment. It's got to be something in the settings.


My nickle


Oh okay I went to one and was able to make a comment then I immediately deleted it. Yes it is in the settings.. I just really feel bad for Deadbug you could hear it in his voice Saturday night he's spent and this didn't help.. it started over something that was just a difference in opinions.


Hi DeadBug, Hi Legion, I'm new on Patreon, sending greetings from Croatia to all of you great people. Deadbug have to say: thanks for love, energy, creativity, knowledge & time you put into yr work. Adore everything you do! 👋🖤 (in advace: sorry on my broken English)


We will have to agree to disagree on this one Tabby. People who don't contribute to this channel should NOT be able to simply create a Patreon ghost account and come over here to cause trouble. DB was correct when he said that he felt some of the " COHORT 4EVAH " crowd was phony. I still stand by my observations and statements from that exchange. That particular catfish currently supports NO Patreon creators. Check the profile page. These people started popping up over here when DB stated that the content may move to this platform. It's an exploit that needs to be shut down. If they want to influence the way the content appears let them pay the same as we do. You are genuine and I do respect YOUR opinions, I just don't have the tolerance to endure people I deem disingenuous.


I'm an American over age 50 and I still speak broken English. oO


I do agree with you I don't think they are over here,he was talking about on YouTube. The one you were talking about is definitely his patreon she's not here often but she is a supporter. He also gained over 50 new people in the last week it went from a little over 100 to 150 something so there is a lot of new people. There has never been a problem with trolling over here and I've been here since almost the beginning.. it just got blown out of proportion. I totally understand you were protecting him. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing I'm saying we all ain't gonna agree with each on everything. the one thing we have to do stand up for Deadbug 💯. I know what you are saying it should be water under the bridge, you know he don't wanna see people arguing here he gets enough to of that over on boob tube. And I I do agree if you not paying to be a patreon you shouldn't be able to be here!! He can easily fix it in the settings. his post don't say public they say unlocked so I think it ain't even a problem the community post say public but that's all us


New Patron, Manslaughter which in Florida carries a term of imprisonment for up to 15 years, blah blah blah. I call BS on this offense, i can get off pleading self-defense. I know most of you already, and I'm delighted to be part of the Legion and help DB in any way I can. Meow.


Correct English nor correct spelling is not a requirement over here, you'll do just fine and if you need any help navigating shoot me a message 🤗and welcome!


Welcome, I'm so used to seeing you in the comments on boob tube it's like you been here all along LoL 🤗🤗


Thanks indeed 🖤💖🖤...it already feels like I'm "home" 👋🤗


Hello 👋 Legion! I found dead bug when I was on a Criminally Fisted video, and a proud member made a suggestion about this channel, and I never looked back! I am into Taxidermy, build websites in my free time,(so I can help if a website is needed DB), and I am (OSCP) certified Glad to be here, and glad to up my patronage today! $ to support DB more!


Welcome all new Pats, you have finally found what you’ve been looking for ✊🏻


That pixel image and video shit is fucking garbage.


Newbie here to Patreon Legion for ever..♿️💪💀


Hey Andrea how are you? Thank you for making the effort and signing up.




Ok Hillbilly if you have beef with me you need to address me directly via PM. I did nothing wrong, I work in PR / Comms so I was trying to look at things from a business perspective. My bad. And I'm a catfish? 😁 DB follows me on instagram. I can assure you I am not. And would you like receipts from my Patreon? Get a life for the love of all that is Holy. You're the only one trolling here, this is getting weird. You might wanna check the community tab. I have posted proof. Now lay off please. I'm well over this.


Hi and that little stunt YT pulled pushed me over here since I figure I may as well support you and have a place to find you if/when it goes south with those twits,oh well it's their loss they could have a channel that draws in a lot of people true crime is popular no matter who it offends.


Welcome Christa! We are all so very glad you're here helping Deadbug to keep creating - It means a LOT, and we are all so grateful for you! HAVE FUN IN HERE!!


DEADBUG, I HAVE $700 How soon can you be here?????


Funny thing is those fuckers re instated my film and new even messaged to say sorry.