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Hi everybody, I don't monitor the comments section, I wish I had that time on my hands after 12 hour days editing and getting Saturdays joint ready, someone messaged me and told me they I should and that I should be protecting people here from online bullying, please do let me know if this is something you expect from me because I have to say I won't be able to do that, I figure everyone here is an adult and can get allot because we are here for the same reason.

I also want to let everyone know, everyone here, PAYS TO BE HERE, this is a fact, you can not post here on my page without being a paid PATREON to me so please I dont want to here otherwise, PLEASE, Im asking nicely on this.

I wanted to thank you all for your continued support and take pride in knowing I release a joint on YT every Saturday because of you.




Patreon won't let me reply to your reply so I started a new one. Sorry to hear about your lack of positive support. I'll be sure to comment more often, show you some much deserved love :)


Hey don't say sorry, I just wanted to gauge peoples expectations of me because protecting everybody from each other is not my thing.


Deadbug must create a safe space? Words fail me.


Nor should it be. I can't wait for this kid gloves bullshit to die out. And yes I do believe it will die out. Shit comes in waves.


They say when these people all go out and work at real jobs and run companies and these companies start falling apart because they won't even be able to discipline people then things will need to change if people want to have a profitable company.


Never seen any nastiness or anything even remotely close to bullying in your comments. Legion are pretty protective I think when anything is said that not welcome. Pretty shocked that it’s been brought up as an issue tbh. Seems like you’re always getting a hard time... Far as I’m concerned, we can handle ourselves in the comments section, especially in an area of YT specifically for adults. You should just be able to do what you’re good at, what u enjoy, without so much hassle and I’m sure if there was ever a real problem your supporters would let you know AND do whatever they can to help straighten it out. Hope you don’t let this get to you.


WOW I really thought that was a dead issue I'm sorry you had to wake up to that!! I ran into a little tit for tat yesterday, I'm assuming that we resolved it on our own. I've never felt unsafe here we are grown ass adults and should respect we are in the same house and we can have different opinions and at the end of the day we're still family! Deadbug has enough to do putting out content than to have to be a peacekeeper!! With that said Legion Foreva!!!


Deadbug I have an idea if maybe I could help the New patreon navigate through the app or with any problems they have I would be happy to!!


That's a brilliant idea, I know Marsha does that over on YT telling people to sign up but how do we do it here?


Make a post directing those problems to me I have no problem helping anyone and that way you will have the time to do what you do best.. create content.. I'll put a post on the community section anyone who is having difficulty just message me???


I just put one up on the community section 😄


To all the LEGION, I just want to say that words hurt and I have feelings. Sometimes I feel the need to go to my SAFE PLACE and recover from all the harshness that I have experienced throughout the day. Also MY PUSSY HURTS.


I'll do my best to make it easier navagating the app, we've both been here a while so it's only helping to take the slack off of Deadbug 🤗🤗


So your saying this IS THE SAFE PLACE LOL 😊 Also they have medication to help out with the other problem hahaha 😝


Ohhh noooo, I feel bad!! I also sent a message, but just to bring your attention to a total douche bag, that left a douche comment about you on Nightmare Files chnl on the collab.... I hope I didn't contribute to that, I was trying to send a SS of the comment, and my response, so that the rest of the legion could go and set them straight. Because, as usual, it was a bogus comment, and I responded to it myself. I just figured I'd get ya some back up. I wouldn't ever expect you to monitor comments tho, I just hope I didn't make you feel worse by pointing out that idiot. Altho, you did respond and let me know that it's an asshole that seems to be following you around. I hope it's OK I let others know he is popping up in other vids DB is on now, and being a total cunt, so eyes open guys! And next time, I'll just post on the latest thread if I see a comment like that. Or report it. I'm just not sure if that does anything. It seems, at least on Twatter, they just make a new fucking account and continue on being douches and harassing creators. Maybe if we all ban together and report the comment to YT every time one pops up? Let each other know its out there? I'm more of the slap back type, but maybe that's not the way to go? It's def getting fucking ridiculous tho. And for someone to cry to a creator saying they need to protect them, is kinda lame tbh. This probably just isn't the chnl for them. No one needs a panty waste clinging to them, and riding up their ass all the time. Toss those britches out, and make room for the tougher ones... Or those in commando! Lol, not me, I prefer... Well, nevermind that! 😉


Hahaha, right?! Can you imagine being that fucking entitled that you demand someone protect your Sally ass?! Lol, I can't, I swear I seen it all now.... And that's not a challenge, lol, just want to throw that out there! 😉😂


Lol, you don't happen to sub to any podcast creators here do you? The few I sub to, I can't figure out how to get the "RSS feed" to work in my pod player! It's not DB related, and it's podcast stuff so just tell me if I've overstepped and I'll just continue to download like I do now. I am not a huge fan of Patreon, but stay for DB, and sub to a podcast while I'm here. Lol!


I listen to his podcast right through this app sometimes I use a browser and go to patreon thru that, I don't support anyone else here so I'm really sure. I've never had to download it though. I just listen whenever I'm able to. Are you going through the app??


I don't have a pod player, so I'm not familiar with it let me see if anyone else here can help KK 😊


Next time you spot a douchebag let Legion know in a post over in the community section and we definitely will back him up!! We all just a need to do it in a responsible way so we don't get blamed for bullying!!


I think her heart was in the right place and not a bad person but just not the place for her I guess.


I agree Tabby. We always have DB's back but we gotta be a little careful cuz the lil trolls will only try to hurt DB if we go as hard as we really want too!!!🤗💕


For every douche comment I see, I'm sending Deadbug shoutouts to every crime subreddit out there, so fuck em. https://www.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/comments/chpzvt/what_are_some_of_your_favorite_serial_killercrime/


Thanks for the link, I just gave him a shoutout. You should post this in the "Community" section also.


lol .. we don't need "protection" from being bullied . . that's kind of laughable really, but I'll sign up just because Tabby did! LOL .. love you TABBY!


if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me! im gonna sign up too, just so i can be cool and get next to TABBY! love you tabby! lol!