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This is what apparently turns the moderators at YT on.


My Sister Was Murdered I ZIPLOCKED #13

Interview with Terri Prioriello



YouTube convert and huge DB fan. Hi all!


Hi legion.still not got back to you . Shit what are they doing . Put in my complaints about this . Please if everyone became a patron it would help DB so much . If I can do it everyone can . I'm unemployed have been for two years now .£1 a month is what I give. It's not a lot but it helps the man give us the best content anywhere . I'm not blowing my own trumpet i know people have it hard these days but come on its a quid or a dollar . This is the only channel i feel so strongly about . Long live the legion. Legion forever . Love from north London people 🇬🇧😎👍


I'm now imagining a satire piece complete with Deadbug humour about YouTube workers mis-diagnosing videos.


Playing Devil's advocate like a good INFJ Libra. But I suppose to some it would be offensive to see a naked murdered girl with her genitals fully exposed as she was underage also. I know you mentioned that Terri went quiet after the documentary went out, do you think she didn't like the photo being in there without being censored? I do think it is an incredibly sensitive photo and unfortunately some would actually get off on a naked, murdered, underage girl. That's just reality!l And honestly, I would have been mad if that was my sisters body out there for the world to see. I reckon blur the genitals and re-upload. It's more respectful to Terri and the family anyway. Don't get me wrong, you're fucking awesome and I respect you but I always see two sides. I know that others post fucked up shit and nudity. Just think about it being making any impulsive decisions about your channel xoxo


I can only speak for myself but I come here because the information is not censored and sanitized. That type of information is everywhere and unappealing to me. If anyone objects they should move along. The warnings at the beginning of the video should be enough. The content is not for everybody, but that is the point as far as I am concerned.


You're missing the point. Look at it from a different perspective. If that was your daughter, would you be OK with that image? I get that everyone here supports Deadbug and his content no matter what, but I think we should all be a little mindful of what is morally right with certain things. I agree that people have fair warning and images of dead people are fair game. But I think in this case, I can understand why it would upset some. I don't think it's worth DB removing his channel over.


To answer your question, I think I made my position clear whomever is involved.


I think it's reasonable to analyse a situation and see all sides before making any rash decisions. I have always been super supportive and I personally wasn't offended. I am merely saying that in this case, I can see why it offended some and was possibly hurtful to Terri and for DB to reconsider shutting down his channel over it. Are we not allowed different opinions here?


Super supportive? You are not supporting this creator or any other at the moment. I am calling BULLSHIT on your "devil's advocate" nonsense now too. Different opionions? You most certainly are allowed. Just don't veil YOUR opinions as those of the devil...or anyone else.


I got something I've never gotten on any other video on YouTube right now when I was going to leave a comment on yours. I took a screenshot but I can't upload it here obviously. but basically it says be respectful in the comment section blah blah blah don't violate YouTube's community guidelines. what's that all about?


Well then...it seems the trolls from YooToob are finding their way over here now too. I'm supposed to calm the fuck down am I? Maybe the trolls should FUCK OFF and peddle their shit somewhere else. Damn right I support DB and his work. Anybody who has a problem with that can kiss my fat hairy ass.


I noticed that aswell. I think that YouTube figures since Deadbug's content isn't family friendly that everyone is filthy degenerates who are mean. But i could be wrong.


I am both. Mean and degenerate that is. That said, the content DB puts out is not meant for Dykers. I have observed that the crowd here is different from that bunch. Family oriented content can be found elsewhere. The Snowflakes just can't grasp that idea apparently.


YouTube is full of shit. Rules only apply to some and are only inforced when they feel like it.


I have no idea what you are talking about.


If you intended to reply to my post above just look at the conversation I had with Corrinne Sara.


I have no idea what you're so angry about. I am trying to convince DB not to delete his channel over this particular incident. You really have no right to be abusing me over this.


I am putting you both in time out, taking away your phones and no laptops or internet for the rest of the night.. we are family,all opinions are valid.. and all arguments are settled!!! 🤗🤗


It's not just on Deadbugs comment section It came with the new update I have seen on every channel


No thought of mine at the moment can add to what I have already said. This individual now plays the victim. Incredible. I'm done here for now.


We all need to stand together and give 💯 to Deadbug I know it makes for alot of stress within the family, know that your place in it is needed and appreciated!! You tube really needs to stop letting trolls govern who gets strikes cause it's obvious trolls started this whole mess!!


We are all here for the same reason. Im just about to quote Rodney King but was forced to stop myself... this is what I have become!

Cybernetic Federal Republic of Kaltovar

I can see it from the perspective of one who would be upset by the image. I'm not offended by your opinion, but I must say that I don't agree. While people could be and probably ARE offended, there should exist a place which is NOT designed with those people in mind. I personally believe ignorance of the workings of the world is far worse than a moment of discomfort brought on by exposure to reality. I personally would have blurred the image myself, but YT has a history of deleting evidence of warcrimes rapes and murders and this is just a milder form of that ... In this case it wasn't evidence, but material which society uses to remind itself not to act this way.


Sigh. Lemme clear this up. You are preaching to the converted guys. This is NOT MY PERSONAL OPINION. I'm saying how it may be viewed by others in an effort to stop DB getting targeted by trolls and YouTube and being reported over and over, because I'm sure he is well over it. I'm coming at this from a PR standpoint. I'm trying to help, that's it. Personally I fucking love gore but this is YouTube we're talking about, not BestGore so chances are it's gonna get reported, right? I support the content, always have. But this is the way YouTube is. Some one had to tell it like it is. Hillbilly, you need to take your abuse elsewhere. Pretty sure I have been here longer than you. End of conversation.


Nothing wrong with debating but he took it to another level.


I understand, but I really don't believe it is because my content is gore they have a problem with me, if I sounded like a retarded geek, and stumbled my way through a few lo rez images in a retard voice they'd love me, they know im beyond that and it is a personal thing, even videos with zero gore they target, I cant change the type of content I post, its like asking a transgender person to stop being them because this isn't GAYTUBE, so I believe it is a personal hatred of the confident person they see, where as Rob Dyke is an oversized blubber fest..... they know im not, why do you think confident people are trolled?


I know they are targeting you. I don't doubt that for a second. It fucking sucks and I wish it was different. I just don't want you to give and up on the channel. I don't think you should change your content, but even just blurring the nipples / genitals slightly, would they allow it then? I honestly don't know. It'd be good to just get it back up somehow


Hey sweetie I know you are on my side and dont doubt it for a second, im asking for people opinions and youre all giving them and I apprieciette that and yeah I will start blurring nipples if YT see's that as sexy.


We are all allowed different opinions here and I dont want anyone fighting , that hurts much more then any bullshit on YT because ultimately I will ennui posting only here if things go the way they seem to be going.


We're not all here for the same reason. I signed up for Rodney King quotes and I'm being denied.


So happy to hear yt took away the strike from this video. I rewatched it this morning and even though they removed the strike I wish I could resend my complaint. I can’t get past the part where they decided to strike the content with the family member deeply affected pouring her heart out on camera. Pushing herself to get her sister’s word out there as a warning to others and seeing/hearing how it brought her so much pain she couldn’t finish the interview. They saw this as inappropriate!? Obviously they took the word from the trolls instead of watching the videos. This is the only person I am a patron to, and only one I ever will be. It’s uncensored, it’s brutal and it’s honest. It’s more than reading in front of a camera. It’s a great deal of hard work and passion and it shows. This is also my first time complaining to yt for striking DB. It pissed me off being this specific video.. Anyways I’m glad to see a victory out of this. This video was tastefully done. I hope this story reaches many more ppl. And Mr Deadbug, I have mad respect for you. Please don’t let the ppl on yt ruin a good thing.


Deadbug, if I am murdered , which could happen I am pretty sarcastic, please cover it and show every goddamn thing the asshole did to me. No sanitizing. Genitals on full display. Murder is harsh, I want people to see the truth and learn from it. Dont dumb it down so people arent upset please.


Thanks DB. That means a lot 😘 I am really anti-bullying for many reasons and being told I am a troll and to fuck off was not what I would expect here. I hope it doesn't happen again.


Unfortunately, youtube has no morals themselves. Allowing pedophiles and other scum to have their own channels while they try to cut you down. Sucks to be them


I dont know if this question is in the comments above but did you ever hear back from Darlene’s sister Terry? ♥️