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Hello Legion, yes these are turbulent times and I feel like a beaten man, sad tired and a bit angry I guess. Im lost at this point what I want to do. Im putting up this PODCAST today to hopefully get some advice. Also I did mention this in this PODCAST, please let's all get along, we are all here for the same reason, I know there are many different personalities.... believe me I know cause I have got pissed off with a few PAREONS and kicked them off and blocked them but ultimately I am learning as well, we are here to support each other and the channel, let the Barbarians battle it out on YT, but to quote YT "THIS IS A SAFE PLACE" fucking idiots..... that's why they took down my content because they want youtube to be a safe place, so with all the warnings, my video age restricted, they are still making it safe, who are these people who need to feel safe? Is NETFLIX a safe place? Hmmm makes you wonder!

One final thing, I suppose there is the argument I should not have mentioned my film being removed on YT and that I may quite because it makes the trolls smell blood and start circling the wagon but I do feel that people should know that they are at risk of loosing me, on the other hand it means ever troll out there will be flagging my stuff now. I got allot of trolls saying "good riddance fag" Sea later" "Victory" and stuff like that. I can't help but think that the people I block just come back harder because that is what the web creates.









No where is safe these days. My ex husband is in a wheelchair, i met him in a wheelchair. You mention words like cripples or retards etc. Am i offended? NA IM A MOTHERFUCKING PATREON! Your supporters are resilient no matter the circumstances. Troll well.....🤔 basement loving wanktards


Because they are just expressions that are idiotic, they aren't real words, does anybody in this sorry as world think I make fun of disabled people for real? Only an idiot would but sadly there are many out there. People think because they act like a good person, they are a good person, but that really is never the case.... I cant even tell you if I have a disabled friend without thinking about it.... why is that? because I dont think about it.... these people who virtue signal think about looking good to others all the time.


Tell me about it, i was married to him and as wife i had every right to take the piss and did. I also work with disabled and elderly people hence how i met him. I never take what you say to heart and quite enjoy what you come up with i giggle because i know its true. One of my best friends is in a wheelchair but i could easily lose her up a hill if i had to 😋


Anybody who knows me will tell you Im an idiot and thats my charm but never someone to be taken seriously! Even my bosses roll their eyes when my name is mentioned. But even in real life i meet people who will dislike me, you can't change that, for whatever their reasoning.


Well if you go around work calling yourself Deadbug then yes i understand the eye rolls lol joke! Nobody can like everyone simple as.


I’m really sorry this has happened to you, I can’t imagine the stress it’s causing you. YouTube has been going down the pits for a long time now, as opposed to being a place where you could go find Janet Jackson’s tits (nice) it’s just becoming a place for beauty channel drama and VEVO videos. The only suggestion I would give you is to stay strong and to keep posting. I’d say keep those videos on private for now, for some reason I think they’ll remove the strike and especially if everyone keeps sending feedback everyday which I intend to do because I support you. I’m in a band, I know what’s it like to make something for nothing and to be skint because of it! I really think you’ve got IT, you’ve got something special happening and you’re ahead of the curve and good things will happen to you! 💋💋💋


Hey DB sorry your going through all this bullshit. If you decide not to post tonite I perfectly understand. Take your time and regroup. I can feel how tired and frustrated you are. Try to relax and feel better. Just know we got you no matter what. As long as your here I'm here and I'm sure many others feel the same way. YT has lost their fucking mind. The trolls are jealous cuz they can't be like you and I believe they love your stuff but would never admit it. Do whatever you need to do. I got your back 💯%.


Great comment Doris, exactly. ❤


Keep ya head up bro they just cant handle you making all these other creators looking like they have no clue what there doing you and all the legion no u are the best on u tube


DB, you decide if you feel like posting, we all understand if you don't. You have put up with more than your share lately. Remember there are people who love, respect, and appreciate you and your art. We are here for as long as you are ❤😗😗Hearing you sad makes me sad😕I kind of want to kick someone in the teeth, and I have never fought in my life!


Never let your enemies win! You must fight back. They may think that flagging you and trolling is going to make you leave, but they're mistaken. You have the support of us, your real fans. And we don't want you to quit because of youtube and it's marry band of of pussies, if anything their hate should fuel your cause. Stay strong brother, because we The Legion are forever!


Damn right Cory!!! Couldn't have said it better!!!! Legion Forever!!!


Hang in there DB, anything in life worth doing is going to have its challenges. Those challenges and how you handle them is what defines you. If obstacles get in the way you can either go around them or roll right over them. If you choose to roll them over, remember you have a LEGION behind you and we got your back. I was in the Marine Corps. I chose the Marines because I felt that they were the best, and that's what I wanted to be, the best. You choose to do your videos a certain way because you want to be the best. All of us here are collectively saying that YOU ARE THE BEST, otherwise we wouldn't be as passionate as we are about DEADBUG says. Our support for your art and support for you the person is our way of saying WE LOVE YOU BROTHER. Keep doing what you do. LEGION FOREVER.


Hi Paul, I like your comment..((.that is exactly the kind of comment I could have write...I chose the air-Force ))


It is like the saying goes, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" The trolls, plus the many people who are jealous of your work will always have something to say. Screw them, your channel and the fellow Legion who stand behind you will always carry a flag in your honor, especially me. Long live Deadbug


Thanks Chris. I had a few Air Force buddies, in a bar fight we are all on the same side.


DB, all I can say is thank you for posting tonight. Since you posted the "Thank you" video I've been on a natural high, we fought YT, and they heard our disgust of what they had done, and we'll do it again if necessary. You're the only channel I've ever supported monetarily (small amount, but it's a start), and I wrote a feedback, which I've never done for anyone. You're not a creator according to YT standards, but you are to us. Don't give up, keep on fighting, you know you have people that support your work and will go to battle with you. Don't let the trolls get you down, you have the Legion to lift you up.


I didn't read every comment, but what I did read has me feeling like I do when I read what both sides of our government is doing to each other. What is it that causes people to lash out as they do. With disrespect and hatred. WTF is up with all this? Deadbug you shouldn't have to feel like this. You got so many more that respect and appreciate you and your labors, dont let the few bring you down. FUCK THEM LOSERS! This upsets me. It upsets me that these idiots are getting to you. I still have to catch up. I read your intro, and skimmed thru a bunch of comments and I got ticked off! What got to me most was when you said you believe these re the same people who say "legion forever". The gull these assholes have. I cant describe my disgust with them. Deadbug, your so much more and better than them. Forget them. 😠