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CAN ANYONE FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT!!!!!! My film with a dead 16 year old girl lying with a cinder block on her face is supposed to be sexually gratifying!




I dont want to meet the person -man or woman -who made that decision. If that's what makes them hard. Or wet. They need serious help


Sorry Deadbug, I sent my complaint.


Apparently those fucktards didn't REALLY watch your video (how else can they "review it" right?). Un-fucking-believable. It's the people that would find it sexually gratifying are the kinds of people you make these documentaries about. Insane, man. YT has gone down the drain, like any great thing that comes along...ruined! I'm just happy to have been introduced to you and your material before YT becomes nothing more than a memory of what has been a platform for your art. (D)


You don't deserve this, Deadbug. Not in the least!


YouTube shouldn't be structured in a way that one person can destroy what you've built. You shouldn't have to sit and guess what the reason for a strike is because its basically random, it could be anything. YouTube has 2 billion people watching, they need to realize they cant accommodate them all. You cant micromanage that many people. Whoever found this sexual has the problem. The rest of us didn't realize what the reasoning was because like normal people, we didn't see it that way.


YouTube is fucked. This is proof right there. They think that, that picture of Darlene is sexually gratifying, for who? Me? No. The Legion? No. Deadbug? No. YouTube? Yes, FUCKING YES! Its obvious to me who really is getting of to poor Darlene. Im outraged like all of you guys/gals, and Deadbug, you shouldn't let this bullshit kill your creativity. Fight on with The Legion as your back up. If YouTube wins, so be it, because there's always other places for you to get the recognition you wanted. Remember we're all in this together, I'm pulling for yah.


That fact was part of my feedback. I told them how sick that someone would have to be to find that sexually gratifying. That they needed to rethink their hiring practices if that's the kind of employees that they have.


Excuse me for just saying it: Fuck YouTube.


DEADBUG .. i told them that your upload was a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT that might SAVE A LIFE SOMEDAY, because your goal was to inform your Legion about this case, so that we could help petition the courts to keep this fucker in prison. I noted that even the victims own FAMILY not only approved of the content, but that the sister even agreed to an interview, and thanked you and your followers for keeping the story alive. ----- i also noted that the image shown wasn't any more upsetting that a lot of shit that they show on I.D. Channel, 20/20, and other true crime shows on network TV. ((and, if this is supposedly sexually gratifying, we're all going to hell)) Hang in there Deadbug..


There's a YouTube channel who does bikini waxing and she slips and shows it all, now and then. I would think that would be more on the lines of sexually gratifying then your video. Not that I think her channel sexually inappropriate I don't I'm just saying. Basically yt is a joke.


YT sucks ass. Never forget that. A vomit nightmare is what it is. Believe me, I am not impressed. So very sad


I was thinking about this whole ridiculous strike YouTube tried to throw out the other day when I came back across the song blurred lines.... It had been randomly stuck in my head when I woke up and the only way I can get a song out of my head is to listen to it. So....I pull up the music video that I haven't seen since it came out like..10 years a go or whenever the fuck. Not only is it monetized, and on VEVO... and incredibly sexually suggestive, but all the girls are completely topless. Models rubbing up on the dude's with their titties everywhere. Now don't get me wrong, I love a set of nice tits.. but this is the EPITOME of YouTube's HYPOCRISY... like hhow do they consider a child's naked, mutilated corpse "sexually gratifying" but not this...... https://youtu.be/zwT6DZCQi9k I think some of the administration at YouTube must be shome sick fucks or necrophiliacs. Or pedophile necrophilia. 🤢🤢🤢 "We do NOT support nudity... (unless it makes us lots of money...)"- YouTube I sincerely apologize to anyone who ends up with this song stuck in their head or had to be re subjected to Robin Thicke. But at least you get pharrell and some nice titties if you decide to go in to that rabbit hole.