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I woke up this morning and it appeared that my channel had been taken down, after re downloading my browser, I was not able to acknowledge a community guideline strike, apparently my interview with Terri Prioriello and the murder of her sister is considered sexual content. We together need to fight this, in about 20 minutes I am making a special announcement on my channel. I felt like throwing up, this is the start and also how my last channel was removed.  




Feedback sent! Was pretty brutal, might get banned, lol


Sent feedback. This is so wrong!!!


Feedback sent! Let's hope for the best! Much love, DB! (Daressa & Lane)


I sent this... hope it helps..... Dear sir/ madam, Just a quick note to support a great channel "deadbug says" that has found itself increasingly labelled as offensive/inappropriate to the point of removal from YouTube. I understand that this style of documentarianism is not to everyone's taste but there does seem to be a pointed targeting against this channel - notably by trolls - that puts original channels made by professionals such as this one at risk of closure. I've long since admired that YouTube has hosted an unending number of diverse topics but I have to say it's stand point on true crime being offensive is beyond me. Facts are facts, they have no bias. I consider much of what can be seen on YouTube as more offensive than "deadbug says", yet there seems to be a proliferation and encouragement of those channels. I of course refer to channels celebrating "high risk adventures" and the questionable titillation of "lingerie and swimsuit try-on" videos. At the very least "deadbug says" videos carry frequent warnings, age restriction and are also de-monetized. Please YouTube, stand up for your contributors that represent originality, quality film- making, consistency and hard work. Defend their right to make those films and say what they say whether you agree with them or not. Yours very sincerely, Dud Talbot.


This is getting beyond a joke now, why do they think we need to be controlled and just all be some faceless zombies clicking adds and watching family friendly cuntent like good little Viewers. Wish we'd all collectively drop yt an migrate to bit chute or something, and really show them we don't need thoughts, interests and individuality controlled. I fucking hate the way everything is going, penalising good hard working original content creators. But a fucking make up tutorial yeah bump it, promote that oh trending nice, WHO CARES. FUCK YT 🤬


That's what they want us to do,they want us to show aggressive behavior so they can ban us.. yes it is totally up to you, collectively we need to stand up for Deadbug and show we are a diverse group with higher mentality than then the trolls try to make us out to be.. someday a platform will come around that will appease us until then we need to put all of our loyalty into Deadbug 🤗🤗🤗


Feedback sent. This is 🤬 ridiculous!


Blood will flow.


It is wrong for youtube to remove the interview with terri prioriello. There was nothing in said video that didn't follow YouTube's guidlines. If this service continues, I can guarantee that you will lose money and supporters of youtube. I have use youtube since it had started, and this is the only time i have had a problem with your service. Please reconsider what it is that truly made youtube great, and stop supporting lazy content creators and money whores. Youtube is for all content creators, that includes Deadbug. Sincerely, Cory Mathewson of The Legion.


I wrote that to youtube.


Good job mate, the worst part is, they took it down last night and still have not responded to my appeal.


I wish I could right like this . I put in my complaints about taking down this documentary just not as eloquent . Legion forever 😎🇬🇧


That's completely fucked, but to youtube you can wait, and I find that to be a true pussy tactic. If anything YouTube should be helping you solve their problem. And when they do finally respond, rip them a new asshole, but in the polites way possible. So they cant said you were rude, just you were right.


Feedback sent, and I did it with grace, no foul language. This way they can't label your fans as crazies or nut jobs. I bit my tongue, so to speak, and controlled my anger. Normally I would have thrown around a few colorful words and phrases but today I am a gentleman. So Fuck all you retards at You Tube Corporate, wow that felt good to get off my chest. LEGION FOREVER !!


I enjoyed that interview, despite the sadness behind it. Yet, YT has no sympathy for people who have a voice and want to share their story. So demented.