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Everything I do starts out a very rough sketch that I build on and change until  it in variably becomes something different. Here is me working on an idea for Saturdays ep2 of Cold


COLD Ep 2 Work in progress



This is a proper suspicious case man some shady shit for sure, can't believe his face, looking forward to this one


Poor bastard. Any school - especially in the US - without working CCTV nowadays is just stupidity.


Looks like he was followed. I hope this was nothing more than an accidental death. But something tells me I'm wrong.


Great work Deadbug. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this. I very strange case.


I have heard of this case, but I'm sure that I will learn much more. For the police to say he got stuck seems a bit far fetched.


I can't wait for this one! I think he was murdered, that shoe excuse has always seemed completely unbelievable to me, it makes no sense. Thank you DEADBUG.


Cant wait for Sunday to watch this. I will, however, be hungover and will spend the day in bed being fed bacon butties by my long suffering hub love him. As ,uch as I am tempted, I keep stopping myself from having a sneaky peek at it 😘


Much not ,uch!