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I thought id re-post this for our new PATREON Lane DK so everyone see's it as Im not sure how well members can see other members posts.

Lane DK says

So... Just thought, since we all love our crime stories, the Legion would be interested in seeing and hearing about what happened between my stepfather, mother and I, back on August 4, 2015. Long story short, I had to kill my stepfather. I'll leave a link to a news article that came out about it, and if anyone has any questions they can ask. I'd be up for another interview, DB, if you're ever interested in a self defense type case... Don't get to hear too many of them... See you guys around! Lane "HICKORY MAN TO FACE NO CHARGES IN FATAL STABBING OF STEPFATHER"


Hickory man to face no charges in fatal stabbing of stepdad

Derek Lane McAdams, 33, acted in self-defense when he stabbed his stepfather, Tony William Johnson, 50, during a domestic dispute in this home they shared on Cloninger Mill Road in Hickory, District Attorney David Learner said. WBTV A Hickory man will not be charged in the Aug.



I'm SO sorry you had to go through that, Lane.


Wow that's a lot to take in.. I hope you and your family are healing. I'm so sorry you went through a horrific experience like that, blessings to you.


Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. My mother and I are good. We visit his grave often and I keep some of his ashes in a mini-urn-type charm on a necklace. We all loved him and miss him dearly. 23 years as basically my dad... Hard to let go. Thanks again all. Love you guys!


Lane! I'm a Salisbury native!! Hey neighbor! Glad you guys are doing ok ❤


Wow that's gotta be a rough thing to experience, glad you and your mom are ok.


I'm very sorry Lane it must have been horrible. You did right by defending your mother and yourself especially when left with no choice. I'm glad your family is holding up well. Cheers.


Sorry about your loss, my condolences. The only question I have is, what are you feelings now compared to your feelings then when this happened? Over all, I am happy that things have gotten better for you and your family.


I'm so sorry, my friend. I'm not going to go into detail, because I would hate for this kid to ever stumble across it, but I had to shoot my mother's co-worker, whom she shared an office with, and had spent the last Christmas with us, because he was holding .45 magnum to the head of his wife and 6 month old baby. The worst part was running into her at Walmart about a year later, and she slapped me. 😓 If you ever need to talk, please dm me, anytime.


Wow Vanessa... Thank you so much. That really means a lot. Same here... Anytime you need anything, hmu.


I've came a long way, in that at first, I couldn't forgive myself. I must have apologized to my mother a million times... Nowadays, I know my mom doesn't hold it against me, and I feel like he's forgiven me, wherever he is... So while I'm still working on forgiving myself, I'm nearly beyond it. I try to honor him in all I do... So that's about it really. Thanks for the question.


omg, omg, omg honey … how so very terrible. im so very sorry to hear this


Wow! Thanks for sharing . I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I was six years old when I watched my mother almost kill my stepfather. She wasn't charged because it was self-defense. I remember having to explain to the police the way that he pistol-whipped her and held the gun to her temple the night before. He backed her into a corner that day choking her and the gun was in reach. I was screaming for my mom when it happened and she shot him in the chest. I would have done anything I could if I had been bigger to help my mom. I had no love for him though. He was abusive to all of us. I can't imagine how you've struggled with this when you had love for him. I hope you continue to heal from this tragedy.


My condolences to you and your Mother Lane. What a horrible thing to go thru. I pray you and your Mom find peace and healing. From reading about this you did what you had to do and I'm just so sorry it came to that. 🙏🏻🌹


Holy shit I'm not far from there


Damn dude, that's some heavy shit. I know it's sort of cheesy to say but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'd gladly be there for you. Ive never had to kill anyone but I've been through some shit and have been through a lot of therapy and then majored in psychology to sort of get a better look at things ive dealt with and so I could help other people. Never went all the way through to become a therapist but am glad to talk and listen or help when I can. (Sorry this is like months later but I only joined patreon a couple weeks a go so am going back through and getting the lay of the land so to speak). I'm sorry you had to go through such an intense experience. Sending you (and your mom) much love.