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Someone told me Rob Dyke the King of KFC was on live and I took a screen grab of his latest price list and I gotta say, the prices are going down, once upon a time sexy eyes cost 700 dollars they are now at the bargain of 400, I jazz in my jockeys just at the thought of him looking at me with Chicken grease covering his beard. I watched a bit of his live feed and he discussed the book that he is soon releasing on a major publisher, it is the first of a series, on a character he has based on himself..... so a fat guy who begs live and used to post videos on YT. Apparently the book has been years in the making and for only 200 dollars he will email you the first draft. 

He also stated he has full time time that need a life to so give generously. I guess my big question to Rob if I had the pleasure to meet him is.... what do these staff of yours do? You no longer post content, when you do a video its not edited and on a locked off tripod so..... where are the staff? I post shit every week and do it all..... no staff!

Please post suggested tittles for this book in the comments section,

Heres my choice.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing: The  Rob Dyke story!




So, for only $69, he will do his infamous sexx eyes at me while set to some super secksy music? 😳 The thought turns my stomach! Shivvvverrrrr!


You know what Rob Dyke reminds me of? You know that lint you sometimes get out of your bellybutton when you don't warsh for a while? Or, that pungent odor of sweaty booty? He's such a douchebag and tacky to boot.


How about "1 mouth,2 assholes; Guess which end I'm using now?"


What's the amount for beating a fat pinata with a baseball bat?


the fatter he gets the cheaper he is.I will not be buying his "book" his patrons shouldn't have to either they paid for him to sit on his fat arse n write it. Is it about prostitution? he knows enough bout it by now


Hahaha nice!!!


I'll bet the book is called... A Fat mans love affair with KFC & Cock: A Rob Dyke Autobiography


I like it, its catchy, may not appeal to the younger audience but all Dykes fans are in there 60s so there ya go!


Belly rolls and overacting;; How dyke won over the Senior Citizens.


"The Moron Money-Making Maneuver" By Rob "Hammy-Hands" Dyke


I'll pretend interest in Rob Dyke if he pays me 700 a month..


A little fat penis: The Rob Dyke story 😂


Rob Dick.