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Hey Legion I hope everyone is doing well. There will be no joint this Saturday Night because I am still finishing up on job but there will still be a PODCAST Sunday , sorry about that ( I apologise to you’s guys only, because you support the channel ) all will be back to normal next Saturday night with a new joint.

Also apologies for not answering any messages but the internet over here is circa 1998 , so painfully slow but I will be giving you all some DEADBUG love when I return and reading all messages and back to my crib, that’s a murder fucking promise!

See you Sunday. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!!!!




No problem, DB. You finish up what you have to do. ☺ Looking forward to the podcast.


Where can i see the live stream? i'm pretty new to patreon


No apologies necessary.. I'm so happy I found your channel but pissed that I'm so late to the party. But at least since it took me so long to discover you I can binge watch your videos. You're fkn awesome, DB. Safe travels, sir. See you Sunday.


If you mean the podcast, it's on Sunday. We say morning, but it depends on where you live.


I would kill forwatching DEADBUG ON TWITCH


What’s twitch?


It's what all us ladies do when we watch your films, haha


Sorry I couldn't help myself 😄, I do believe it's live stream mostly gaming...


We understand!! Just glad to have you back safe! Can't wait for Sunday!😊😘


One with the Jet lag....😁


I'm jelly...You get a DeadBug binge day. The rest of us are like a bunch of crack addicts waiting for our next hit..Enjoy!! 😍


I believe you.. I know soon enough I'll be waiting for my next hit, too. Because I was immediately addicted and been binging for about a week or so now. I almost don't even know what I used to watch on YouTube before I discovered his channel. There's so much good content... I really need to go up a tier or two to better show my appreciation for all of the entertainment and information I've got from this channel so far. I love it.


Understood DeadBug. Hope you have a safe journey home.


Have a good flight. Cant wait to hear about it tomorrow.


"Then the safety guy comes down with his bloody clipboard and reckons that I'm jackhammering too close to the main power supply..Like, yeah, that's 2000 volts and if I hit it, we're all fucked, but, mate..don't tell me how to do my job!" LOL! Ahh..YouTube videos


home sweet home !


Good film, Deadbug!