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Happy Sunday!


Getting to know THE DEAD #17

Weekly Podcast.



Damn DB set fammy straight lol


Were else would u fuck them in the ear myself I like the pussy so much better I love pussy myself it's the best nothing better than I hot wet pussy aww how much i love pussy eat it play with it then fuck it


Dramamine is a life saver but it always seems to be too late. But yeah to answer your question, you could fuck them in the ear or in the 4th hole behind the knee.


Ha ha good one Jeff I learnt something knew today behind the knee gonna have to get the women let me give it a go


I get car sick. Fkn hate it.


Lol women, some, not all, are pretty shitty. So paki could be a certain psycho a lot of us know who follows us on YouTube. But I may be wrong.


Glad your back.


Yeah Im not sure it is that person, I never got any hate from the poster you talk about, I'm not the target it seems. I just find it weird in general when I expose myself and give a personal fact about my life then someone comes back and says im lying, it would be like you sharing something and me saying it isn't true when I don't even know you. Generally nothing I have ever shared with any of you is meant to impress, I could tell you things that would probably impress and make me look a little more interesting but I avoid it. Working at NBC isnt impressive, so to be told im lying is very strange and then it leads to the question, is this person mentally unstable because the only people who would know this was a lie or not are people directly in my inner santum.


At the end of the day people are strange and stranger to when they can be invisible behind a keyboard, I suppose I open myself up to these fucking nuts every time I inadvertently post something person .


Yeah it's strange. I always just assume when ppl go at someone, it's because of jealousy or just away to be that asshole. The asshole who enjoys pushing buttons. You definitely don't come across as someone trying to impress anyone. You seem pretty genuine.


Ppl are indeed strange. I trust almost none of them. Fuck em.


I always have felt "impressing" comes down to knowing who you are impressing, I don't know any of you, you could be teachers, Lawyers, scientists or a millionaire, non of which would be impressed by such a meagre boast, anyone who knows my industry knows it is a feast or famine job full of many ups and downs.....not very impressive!


I don't care about impressing others. Anymore. At the end of the day no one gives a shit about you except your parents. If your lucky. So do what makes you happy, throw it out to the world and see who connects to you. You are a true artist.


Btw, I was half awake when I wrote this. I have no idea where I was going with this. Admit it, your impressed I'm able to walk and talk at the same time. Lol good night DB. Sleep well.


LOL, it's morning here, Ive had my sleep, but I'm with you on the whole "Impressing" People, it is something teens and insecure people do.


Aint that a bitch. What happened on YouTube?


Your my TV deadbug Just waiting on the next episode 😁 well at least there's a way to help our creators by financially helping them ect. Without that YouTube would suck lol


Don't let thos Snowflakes get to you DB don't change what you do. Fuck those Snowflakes in the ass until they bleed.