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Patreon to me is showing my appreciation for great entertainment. We all pay to go to concerts, the movies and even the zoo. This person must be a horrible date LoL!!!


Got your back!! Left a nice reply 😉


He* liked it enough to watch at least 3 films. Someone clearly just shat in the comments.


I think some things must not be showing up for me..what are you guys talking about? What am I missing?


Just someone commented about patreon not being worth it. It's in murder in Morocco video hit newest comments first it should come up 😉


As Winston Churchill said; “fuck the haters”


That guy really needs to get over himself


deadbug your work is too valuable to just let it go. On that side note if his 9000+ subscribers would give 1 dollar we could see deadbug explode in better work ten fold. Not saying he doesn't work hard already. Deadbug I support u as long as I can, keep up the great work


There are patreons that are girls clapping their butts for $25/mo... That's what I thought this was! What have I been paying for!!!? Lol. I decided to comment on that video, I didn't want to cause it'd seem like we all went to get him. Your work is great, the behind the scenes are great. I don't know what you could point a finger at and say "not worth it"


You called it. He took it back I don't think he meant to be insulting. Just came out that way.


I thought I did a good job retorting, and yes I don't think he meant ill will. If he knew what Deadbug goes through as we do maybe he would have worded his comment differently 🤔


Best 10 bucks I have ever spent


I'll continue to pay $15. It's way better then cable, and I almost double majored in criminal justice and Informatics. I think once you get into a intellectual level on whatever subject, ya run into odd people. Just different.


Big fan. Grew up in a violent area in TX.


I didn't realize you were a patreon. I used to listen to other channels and I can't even enjoy them now that I've gotten used to DB. I signed up lower then went up to 15 in a few days of signing up. I hope none of this bothered you, DB could water the content down and get sponsors and YouTube monetization but he stands by giving us the truth. So everyone wants his membership to go up so he can keep doing it, that's what the post here and our responses were about. So with that education what are you? Law enforcement? Lawyer? If you don't mind.


2 things come from Texas. Steers and a surprising amount of del monte canned fruit.

Em22 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 21:55:48 Hey Dead, I'm a new Patreon supporter, lol, against my better judgement (only bc I have had massive problems with them & their new payment process since Aug 2018, before that only problem I had was with things not playing on the site. I left Nov 2018 because of the banking thing. They started billing me from the UK, even though all my pledges were in the US. In Nov my bank locked my account bc once again Patreon billed from the UK. And refused to help me those 3 months. Anyway, I signed back up in March this yr to support Sword & Scale after outrage mobs had him taken down. Then, while I was here, I signed up for yours. I'm not getting billed from the UK for your pledge, lol, and it's setting off Fraud alerts again. Grrrr.... Also, I keep getting emails saying there is a "LENS" video from you, but it won't play no matter what I do, and I don't use the app (I have enough issues with Patreon, and adding their app never helped, it only took up valuable real-estate 😉 Amy advise to get the vids to play? Or are they the same ones that are now on your Patreon feed? And, do you know if it's "normal" for Patreon to bill for UK creators from the UK? I've always been billed from California. I joined in 2016 and til August 2018, never had an issue, never was billed from UK, then all of sudden they billed from UK, my bank would decline, then they'd rebill from Cali and it's go thru. It's crazy that they won't help me with this. They have answered me once o ly to say they were working on it... And never did. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
2019-03-25 13:25:16 Hey Dead, I'm a new Patreon supporter, lol, against my better judgement (only bc I have had massive problems with them & their new payment process since Aug 2018, before that only problem I had was with things not playing on the site. I left Nov 2018 because of the banking thing. They started billing me from the UK, even though all my pledges were in the US. In Nov my bank locked my account bc once again Patreon billed from the UK. And refused to help me those 3 months. Anyway, I signed back up in March this yr to support Sword & Scale after outrage mobs had him taken down. Then, while I was here, I signed up for yours. I'm not getting billed from the UK for your pledge, lol, and it's setting off Fraud alerts again. Grrrr.... Also, I keep getting emails saying there is a "LENS" video from you, but it won't play no matter what I do, and I don't use the app (I have enough issues with Patreon, and adding their app never helped, it only took up valuable real-estate 😉 Amy advise to get the vids to play? Or are they the same ones that are now on your Patreon feed? And, do you know if it's "normal" for Patreon to bill for UK creators from the UK? I've always been billed from California. I joined in 2016 and til August 2018, never had an issue, never was billed from UK, then all of sudden they billed from UK, my bank would decline, then they'd rebill from Cali and it's go thru. It's crazy that they won't help me with this. They have answered me once o ly to say they were working on it... And never did. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Hey Dead, I'm a new Patreon supporter, lol, against my better judgement (only bc I have had massive problems with them & their new payment process since Aug 2018, before that only problem I had was with things not playing on the site. I left Nov 2018 because of the banking thing. They started billing me from the UK, even though all my pledges were in the US. In Nov my bank locked my account bc once again Patreon billed from the UK. And refused to help me those 3 months. Anyway, I signed back up in March this yr to support Sword & Scale after outrage mobs had him taken down. Then, while I was here, I signed up for yours. I'm not getting billed from the UK for your pledge, lol, and it's setting off Fraud alerts again. Grrrr.... Also, I keep getting emails saying there is a "LENS" video from you, but it won't play no matter what I do, and I don't use the app (I have enough issues with Patreon, and adding their app never helped, it only took up valuable real-estate 😉 Amy advise to get the vids to play? Or are they the same ones that are now on your Patreon feed? And, do you know if it's "normal" for Patreon to bill for UK creators from the UK? I've always been billed from California. I joined in 2016 and til August 2018, never had an issue, never was billed from UK, then all of sudden they billed from UK, my bank would decline, then they'd rebill from Cali and it's go thru. It's crazy that they won't help me with this. They have answered me once o ly to say they were working on it... And never did. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


I had the same problems with my bank they froze it but after calling them it took less than a day to fix.. it probably helped that I've been with them 18 years LoL. With the lens you really need to have the app.. kinda fucked up cause you can only watch his videos on a browser lol yeah it's the price we pay.. I don't mind now I've gotten used to it hope that helps I wish I seen your comment sooner, sorry 😊