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Daniel Kraus: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the whale  
Stephen King: sounds like a whale of a tale!  
Kraus: yeah actually that's accurate  
Kraus: it IS a whale of a tale if you think about it  
Kraus: i'm gonna start using that

Kraus: its about a diver in seach of his dead father  
Kraus: who gets swallowed by a whale  
Kraus: which allows him to come to terms with things  
Kraus: men would literally get eaten by a whale to avoid going to therapy

Kraus: so he gets eaten by a whale while he's looking for his father  
King: looking for his father in a whale? haha who's his father, gepetto?  
King: haha get it? cuz  
Barker: steve shut up  
Barker: you got lucky with that "whale of a tale" line, lightning's not gonna strike twice

King: hey clive that's not fair, you tell jokes all the time  
Barker: yeah but mine are good  
King: well gee  
King: i guess i'm no good at whale jokes  
King: more like a whaleFAIL  
King: oh!!! and I'm back in the saddle!  
Barker: no you're not steve

Kraus: so this guy gets eaten by a whale  
Kraus: now he only has an hour to both resolve his childhood trauma and escape digestion  
King: you know if i was swallowed by a whale, i think i could escape  
King: i don't think it would be too hard

Kraus: oh you think you could escape from a whale? oh do you? how would you do that steve  
King: i'd climb out the blowhole  
King: i'm pretty sure that's how its done  
Kraus: this isn't a cartoon steve!!  
King: no no i'm pretty sure i saw it in a  
King: uhh  
King: documentary

Kraus: the inside of a whale is not just some big open space where the stomach connects to the blowhole!  
Barker: no i'm pretty sure steve's right  
Kraus: oh NOW you're on his side?  
Barker: i'm always on the side of truth  
Poe: clive don't be an instigator

Frank Belknap Long: hey i have a question  
Long: is this vore?  
Kraus: what?  
Long: cuz i only like soft vore  
Barker: fuckin coward

Dean Koontz: i don't like this story  
Koontz: it makes me think about what if I got eaten by a whale!  
Poe: daniel do you have anything more appropriate for dean  
Kraus: i have this story about teddy bears  
Poe: well that sounds lovely  
Kraus: no  
Kraus: it's not