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John Boyne: hey it's me, John Boyne
Boyne: author of 'the boy in the striped pyjamas'
Boyne: [whispers] a fable
Boyne: and have i got an offer
Boyne: for you!!!

Boyne: so i wrote the boy in the striped pyjamas
Boyne: [whispers] a fable
Boyne: to educate people about the holocaust's littlest victims
Boyne: the sad children of concentration camp commandants

Boyne: and i wrote a sequel 'all the broken places'
Boyne to educate people about the holocaust's other littlest victims
Boyne: more sad children of concentration camp commandants

Boyne: but
Boyne: there are so many atrocities out there
Boyne: how can i help children understand them all in the same non-threatening, family-friendly way?
Boyne: well, my new series of genocide education easy readers answers exactly that question…

Boyne: teachers are already so excited that they've dubbed the process 'pyjamification'
Boyne: and what's pyjamafication, you ask?
Boyne: um we don't need to get into the details about that

Boyne: you can start with 'the boy in the striped osnaburg shirt'
Boyne: it's about the wonderfully innocent child of a plantation overseer
Boyne: who befriends a boy toiling in the cotton fields
Boyne: but our child narrator is so innocent he doesn't even know what slavery is

Boyne: see, he doesn't see color
Boyne: he doesn't care if you're black, white, green or purple
Boyne: he just sees
Boyne: human beings
Boyne: damn, from the mouths of babes am i right?

Boyne: or pick up 'the boy in the striped war bonnet'
Boyne: its about the wonderfully innocent child of a cowboy
Boyne: who one day befriends a boy on a reservation
Boyne: but our child narrator is so innocent he doesn't even know what small pox is

Boyne: or pick up 'the boy in the striped keffiyeh'
Boyne: it's about the wonderfully innocent child of a 22 year old IDF general/tik tok influencer/bulldozer operator

Boyne: who one day befriends a boy in an open air concentration camp
Boyne: but our child narrator is so innocent he doesn't even know what apartheid is

Boyne: one day the boy in the striped keffiyeh is mysteriously killed by mysterious carpet bombing of unknown origin
Boyne: who can say what caused it?
Boyne: i guess we'll never know

Boyne: but whether we're talking about auschwitz or gaza or rwanda
Boyne: there's one thing we can learn from the fabulous stories of these strange and exotic fictional locales!
Boyne: and that's
Boyne: 'sometimes bad things happen and it's just no one's fault'


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