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Arthur Machen: now see, some people think that true evil is when a person, like, does a murder or something
Machen: but i propose that true evil
Machen: is when you see a real fucked up tree
Algernon Blackwood: now hold on here
Blackwood: i think he's on to something

Samantha Eaton: oh you think a weird tree is scary?
Eaton: check this
Eaton: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the evil tree
Eaton: what if there was a tree
Eaton: that was SO evil
Machen: now we're talking

Eaton: you ever just think about the forest
Eaton: the deep, wintery stillness of the forest
Eaton: you could just vanish into the eternal night of the woods
Eaton: like the trees just ate you up
Koontz: the trees eat you up!?
King: no dean its a metaphor
Eaton: is it tho?

Eaton: when you disappear into the deep woods, its like the trees just ate you up
Eaton: you know those trees Eaton: always hungry, always ravenous
Eaton: always ready to gobble you up
Eaton: nom nom nom
Eaton: thats the sound the trees make

Eaton: so the woods are so deep and dark
Eaton: like its going to swallow you up
Eaton: but also there's an evil tree that does eat you
Eaton: cuz there's a monster in it

Eaton: there's this fucked up tree that if you carve your name in it, you die
King: oh shit is that for real?
Eaton: that's the story
King: where can we find this tree

Eaton: you all want to carve your names in this tree?
King: of course!
King: you can't just tell us that there's a fucked up tree where you die if you carve your name into it and expect us NOT to want to carve our names into it
King: i mean, c'mon!

Mary Shelley: i ain't scared of a fucking tree
Shelley: [flipping switchblade] this tree tries any shit, i'll fuckin stab it
Eaton: that'll just make things worse!
Eaton: i mean, you're just making ANOTHER mark on it
Shelley: RIP to that guy, but i'm different


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