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JK Rowling: hello children
Rowling: i am very concerned
Barker: are you still on about the olympics
Rowling: NO
Rowling: well yess
Rowling: but more to the point
Rowling: people need to ssstop talking about my black mold!

Rowling: i want you all to sstop ssaying that my sscottish casstle isss full of black mold
Rowling: or asss we call it in england
Rowling: black mould
King: but joanne we're just really concerned!

Stephen King: joanne, we're really concerned that the black mold in your castle might be influencing your thoughts
Rowling: prepossterousss! i've never felt more lucid!!
Rowling: why, i could write 100 manifessstosss!

Rowling: i am NOT affected by black mold
Rowling: or asss we call it in England
Rowling: Ssst. Sssebassstian'sss Rude Wainssscot Jelly
King: yeah i can't tell if that's evidence or just an english idiom
Poe: no i think that's just an english thing

Poe: do you think the black mold might actually be responsible for all this?
King: i don't know, diane duane's been living in her vents for years and she seems unaffected
Poe: yes but those vents are well ventilated
Poe: i mean Poe: they are vents after all

Rowling: you all judge me! yet i am the only persson here who knowss what definesss a woman
Barker: whats defines a woman then
Rowling: eassy! a woman is defined by
[Rowling spins a giant wheel, pointer lands on "thetans"]
Rowling: yess thetansss


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