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Arkasha Stevenson: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the first omen
Stevenson: it's about a plot to breed the antichrist
King: wait this sounds familiar
Stevenson: yeah it's based on The Omen
King: no that's not it

King: wait! i've got it!
King: this is totally ripping off Good Omens!
King: it's the same set up!
Lovecraft: you're right! even the name is similar!
Barker: wow, i hope someone gets fired for THAT blunder

King: neil! Neil! did you know that the omen is ripping off your book?
Neil Gaiman: steve, good omens is a parody of the omen
King: what
Gaiman: i mean, even the name is similar
Gaiman: that should have been a clue

Gaiman: you must understand, steve, that once the omen was the biggest thing in horror
Gaiman: we believed its grip on man's imagination would last the ages! But alas... it is forgotten!
Gaiman: forgotten like the fading filaments of a dream in the morning light!
King: oh ok

Gaiman: now, like the great ozymandias,king of kings, memory of the omen has scattered to the howling winds of the glittering desert of oblivion
Gaiman: and like prometheus the titan of old my torment knows no bounds
Koontz: neil! did you know the first omen ripped off your book?

Gaiman: no young dean for you see the omen actually predates good omens
Koontz: huh? but it just came out!
Gaiman: no see the original omen came our before the good omens book
Koontz: original omen? book?
Koontz: i don't understand

Mary Shelley: sup fuckers
Shelley: so neil i hear they ripped off your book
Gaiman: no i
Shelley: i'd be real pissed if someone ripped off my book
Gaiman: they didn't
Shelley: i'd give em one of these [pantomimes shivving]

Gaiman: please! no one ripped off good omens
Barker: oh they definitely ripped off good omens
Poe: seems pretty obvious, yeah
Gaiman: edgar! he's just stirring up shit!
Gaiman: you know that!
Gaiman: why are you believing him now?
Poe: no he's right, it's an open and shut case

Neil Gaiman: it's not a rip off! good omens was literally an omen parody!
Gaiman: if you won't believe me, ask terry!
Terry Pratchett: hey is anyone hungry? i could really go for some soup right now