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AM Shine: check this out, ishana night shyamalan is gonna retell my watchers story
Ishana Night Shyamalan: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the watchers
Barker: is there a twist
Shyamalan: i'm not my dad
Shyamalan: i'm my own person

Shyamalan: i'm not just the daughter of the twist director guy
Shyamalan: i am my own individual
Shyamalan: with my own directorial voice and style, damnit!
Barker: yeah but
 Barker: c'mon there's a twist right
Poe: clive let her tell the story

Shyamalan: so this woman gets lost in the woods while trying to deliver a parrot
AM Shine: yes yes the yellow one
Shyamalan: yes that one, darwin
AM Shine: whoa whoa WHOA
Shine: WHOA
Shine: hold on a second here
Shine: who's darwin?
Shyamalan: that's the parrot

Shine: you gave the yellow one a name?
Shyamalan: yes, as part of my unique directorial vision, separate from my father, i gave the parrot a name
Shine: you gave the yellow one a name?!
Barker: oh my god
Barker: what a twist!!
Poe: clive stop being an asshole

Shyamalan: the woman gets trapped in a bunker deep in the woods, at the mercy of mysterious otherworldly creatures intent on studying her for unknowable reasons of their own
Shyamalan: the question is... can she survive... can she escape?
Shine: why does the parrot have a name

Shyamalan: look the parrot just has a name now, we're moving on
Shine: the yellow one was a perfectly good way to refer to a parrot
Shyamalan: WE'RE MOVING ON
Shine: [muttering] a perfectly good way to refer to a parrot

Shyamalan: they're trapped in this bunker, surrounded by monsters, with no food
Barker: i have a question
Shyamalan: is it about the parrot
Barker: yes its about the parrot
Shyamalan: they're not gonna eat the parrot
Shyamalan: why would you even think that

Barker: well i was just thinking
Barker: eating the parrot would be a pretty good twist
Shyamalan: fuck you
Barker: ah ha ha
Koontz: oh i hope they don't eat the parrot!
Shyamalan: darwin is fine, dean
Shine: you mean the yellow one