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Brian Keene: feeling cute, might delete later
Stephen King: looking good, brian! Looking good!
Keene: oh my god
Keene: stephen king liked my suit!
Keene: i'm never changing this suit again
Mary SanGiovanni: now wait a second-
Keene: don't try to change me, baby!

Keene: there's only one thing to do now
Keene: strut
Keene: [doing the Keep on Truckin' walk] well you tell by the way that i use my walk
Keene: i'm a ladies man no time to talk

Keene: look at me! i got the slickest suit at stokercon!
Barker: the slickest suit you say?
Keene: yes i
Keene: well
Barker: the absolute slickest?
Keene: its AMONG the slickest
King: now come on clive, it's a good suit

Barker: i'm just sayin
Barker: i heard chuck tingle had a pink fish scale suit or something
King: oh that does sound pretty nifty
Keene: [shaking fist] TINGLE!!
Keene: always two steps ahead!!!

Chuck Tingle: hello chums it is i chuck tingle, totally normal guy
Tingle: just hanging out, effortlessly upstaging everyone in my flawless wardrobe
Tingle: just normal things like a normal guy!

King: now now there's no need to fight
King: in my book, you're both winners!
Barker: that's not the way it works steve
Barker: you have to pick a fave
King: but why?
Barker: because it would be way funnier if you did

King: oh i don't know, there were so many good outfits
King: like did you see all the matching Dunkin Donut tracksuits?
King: those were pretty boss


Shirley R

They're all winners in my book, too! I follow a lot of authors who were there, and I loved seeing all the pictures. 💖