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[mysterious circle of robed figures]
JK Rowling: hello children
Rowling: asss you all know
Rowling: women are defined by their big gametesss
Helen Joyce: oh yeah definitely
Joyce: i'm always saying that

Rowling: and furthermore
Rowling: the bigger the gamete, the more woman you are
Rowling: now that'ss jusst ssciencce
Rowling: really, that'ss all the ssciencce you need
Rowling: you can pretty much bin the resst of that shit

Rowling: and alsso
Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eeey JK Rowling!
Musk: issa me, elon!
Rowling: elon mussk?? in my terf circle???
Rowling: lissten children thiss guy iss a certified sscientific genius
Rowling: tell them about the gametess, elon

Rowling: go on, tell them
Rowling: women have big heaving gametesss
Rowling: that'ss how you can tell a woman
Rowling: jusst huge gametes
Musk: i'm-a not really here to talka about the gametes

Rowling: then why are you here elon
Musk: i justa think
Musk: eyyyy
Musk: maybe eyyy you can try posting something else ey?
Rowling: what

Musk: see i posta da transphobia too
Musk: but i also hava da other interests
Musk: and i'ma not justa talking abouta da racism
Musk: although i do find ita VERY interesting

Rowling: oh i'm SSORRY are you telling me how to posst? iss that what you're doing?
Musk: si
Rowling: oh! world's greatesst possster elon mussk iss giving ME advice on how to posst!
Musk: si
Rowling: maybe i should carry a ssink around like a fool WOULD YOU PREFER THAT

Rowling: certified SSUPER POSSTING GENIUSS elon musssk thinkss he knowsss possting better than me
Rowling: wow! real "CONCERNING," man!! better "LOOK INTO IT," duuude! here's a catch phrase you better learn for your adult yearss: hey buddy, got a QUARTER?!?
Musk: concerning

Rowling: [coiling in rage] the impudencce!!! get out of my terf circle! your possting is pathetic!
Musk: con-
Rowling: YOU CAN'T CAN YOU?!?
Musk: mebbe you a da pedophile
Musk: mebbe you ara alla da pedophiles


Shirley R

I really, really hope that in the future, Musk is ONLY known for his terrible Mario impression on SNL.