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Enjoy the weekend by watching another Vigilance Elite Production of the Shawn Ryan Show. In this episode, Shawn and Billy explore all things related to ancient Egypt, Antarctica, human consciousness, artificial intelligence, and more.




Wow. Just mind bending.


Voyager 1 and 2 have already entered interstellar space. Meaning V1 and V2 have exited our solar system!! To maintain orbit around earth, the ISS travels at 17,000+ mph so earth gravity can’t pull the ISS back to the surface. When the ISS is in orbit around earth they are in a constant state of free fall, which is why they are floating. When speed starts to decrease they slowly start to fall back to earth!!


This was absolutely fascinating content. Not all heroes wear capes or carry MK18's. Mr. Carson explains resonating frequency at the elementary level and it was fun. He did the same with the 11 dimensions. Is everything accurate? Not entirely, but one has to take a look from 30,000 feet as to get the full picture. Take some of the knowledge he dropped and do your own research. Was he spot on his V1 and V2? No, but given the circumstances of the interview and information flow, you can see it was a simple mistake saying the V1 and V2 "are about to enter interstellar space". Do you have to discount God to accept what he is sayin? No, you do not. He himself mentioned God multiple times. I'm a Catholic Christian and I have no issue whatsoever accepting soft data points and doing my own research. Am I compelled to buy his book? No, because the cast majority of what he said is pretty basic knowledge with his own viewpoints and data points.


It's PHI. Big Phi and little Phi. They are variations of the golden ratio. It is not PI (3.14). These are two completely different things. That this gentleman doesn't know this is the smoking barrel of b.s.


I was so skeptical about this interview (meaning boring and uninteresting). Turns out this was one of the most interesting interviews that I’ve ever heard. What an epic choice in getting Billy to come educate us all. I’ll definitely listen to this one a couple more times. Knowledge is the ultimate power.


In the words of that great American philosopher Forrest Gump, "I'm not a very smart man.", this episode confirms that. I'm lost.lol


Shawn, do you think your psychedelic experience allowed you to peek into another realm?


Also - syphoning money from gov't contracts is a thing- even now. Vendors do it ALL THE TIME. It's the easiest way to get tax dollars into the hands of CEOs etc.. and it continues in the amounts of millions per year. Accountability? There is a tiny bit of it (look up the recent cases with the OIG), but mostly to give some sort of semblance that there is some "law" out there - but unfortunately, this man is absolutely correct. 22 + years of compliance, forensic auditing, and consulting for healthcare ops taught me much.


Amazing interview. I hope his “conclusion” is correct, validating Christ for all. I am not 100% on board with a few parts of his discussion, however, I acknowledge a person in a discussion can easily make errors as opposed to an organized “lecture.” I prefer the discussion because it is much more natural and allows for some degree of “tangents” of value that can be omitted in a “lecture.” He would really need to expound upon a few parts of his “understanding” because I challenge some of it as presented. For example, anyone can get to Antarctica! In the mid-1980s “Society Expeditions” would fly a person to the South Pole, spend 2 hours there, share champagne and return to Punta Arenas, Chile, for $35K US. There are mountaineering expeditions that go there, self-supported, around January to climb Vinson Massif. One is definitely not “prohibited” from getting there! Next, considering how humans visualize the constellations of stars into shapes…. I cannot see many of those shapes and can offer different “forms” that appear to me as a better representation of the stars. Saying he can see “evidence on Mars” strikes me as he is seeing what he wants to see. I have no meaningful comments on other concepts of his as I am not qualified. Some sounds exciting and some sounds skeptical. But I do hope his conclusion is correct.


I joined due to this episode. I think if you want to start somewhere is to admit that you actually know nothing with 100 percent validity. Our world views are shaped by our past. This type of information requires to take an introspective look at yourself and why you believe what you believe. I find that a lot of what I believe isn’t original to myself. It’s something that’s been imprinted on me by my upbringing. You are what you surround yourself with. The only thing I know for sure is that God exists. Much of what we think we know is dogma.


Shawn, be careful with this one. With this guy. Do a little research on him. Here’s something I found with just a simple google search. He had a criminal history as a grifter and his real name is William Karlson. https://eightify.app/summary/scams-and-fraud/beware-of-scams-billy-carson-4biddenknowledge


This was an excellent episode. Billy Carson is the truth!