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Enjoy the weekend by watching another Vigilance Elite Production of the Shawn Ryan Show. In this episode, Shawn and Billy explore all things related to ancient Egypt, Antarctica, human consciousness, artificial intelligence, and more.




Lol felt like a ancient aliens episode


This guy reminds me of a calmer, quieter, less angry Alex Jones. How he can retain all of this detailed information on all these different topics and can rattle it off all the top of his head, the sometimes wild logical jumps he makes to get from A to B, and of course the often somewhat "out there" conclusions he comes to.


Best interview I’ve listened to in awhile!!!!! You’re absolutely doing the work thank you for interviewing people we need to actually hear from. My second favorite interview is the remote viewing 2 part. 🤯

Don Mayfield

I'm gonna have to watch/listen to this a few more times to absorb at least a little of the info.


One thing that I kept thinking about is that Christianity teaches there is only one God and he created everything. “False prophets” come in many ways. I do have a question, if all of these methods were used thousands of years ago why aren’t we still using them? Excuse my ignorance.