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As we roll into a new week I’d like to reflect on the last episode.

There are a lot of people flowing through the journey of life today because Christian Craighead decided to act in the face of evil.

No one will truly know how many lives were saved that day in Nairobi. Survivors who would’ve been otherwise killed will go on to have children, and their children will have children, and so on, and so on. None of which whom would be here or here to come had no one acted against that evil.

If we all stood up to evil no matter how significant or insignificant it may seem, there would be a lot less of it in our world. As you move throughout the rest of your lives, remember that. It could absolutely change our entire existence.

God Bless and Good Night.




An Absolutely amazing human being. The force is power in this Jedi knight!


Amen 🙏 ❤️


Well said my friend.


risk adverse 'leadership' is often times the hindrance that stops good men from taking action. ignore them and with good conscience and righteousness act, with God as your only judge.

Al Cohol

A perfect summarization of this episode and what needs and should happen. Amen

Steven Russelle

It is a crying shame that the man must craft his remarks with such care. Someone should have paid off his house, and all his bills forever, which would amount to only a modest reward for that breed of wildly successful heroism.


I was blown away by Christian Craighead. A true testament to why it is important to act when you someone is being mistreated, lied about or worse. Your movement to the situation causes a deviation in the path of the wrong that is being perpetrated. Once of my top 5 interviews by Shawn.


We all need to stand up against evil. Yet when people peacefully protested at the capitol, and .most of the video shows people peacefully being let in, or shoved from behind while trying to be peaceful, those people are being tried and sentenced. How do we then stand up peacefully and say no more.


I was looking for his book. Can't seem to find a publisher/d. Wonder if we can help with that.

Blackwater Xe 2010

I have a plan to restore some order which will prevent a lot of this evil from happening. I call it Plan Mexico: Winning the Peace.