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"You're a failure if you're waiting for a politician to protect your liberties." - Nick Freitas

This episode is brimming with insightful discussions on parenting advice, homeschooling, the influence of woke ideologies in our country and schools, the moral fabric of our nation, red flag laws, and a host of other engaging topics!

Production will go live soon!




This was one of the greatest interviews so far. Just fucking amazing history review that needs to be spread. Thank you for shinning light on the ILLEGAL Federal Reserve Act of 1913. But, as a die hard conservative Navy veteran Californian, and as much as I love it I'm sick and fucking tired of the whole "Californias voted for this shit" "you get what you voted for" bs. Fuck that out of the 58 counties in California nearly 2/3 are right leaning, but the most populated cities and counties like LA, Alameda, San Diego, and others have a majority population Than the rest of the state (perfect example of why the electoral college is important). Plus California has mastered mail-in voting scheme and that's something no one is taking about. They win elections by rigging and then ram unvoted laws through (SB277). (side note at hr 1 he hits the nail on the head, dems passed sb277 which eliminates personal and religious vaccine exemptions for children to attend school. The state decides what medical procedures your child receives not the parent. You have to vaccinate your children under duress in order for them to go to school. They apply this to private schools whether you receive state funding or not you have to comply with this law or risk being shut down and or fined). Example, we gathered the voted needed to recall Newsom, unheard of, and we lost in the vote. I mean fuck during the 2020 election our polls closed at 8pm and at 8:03pm they gave the state to Biden. They're were massive lines at our voting polls. Us conservative Californians are tired of this shit and now Newsom signed SB2! I Am also a school counselor and had to give up my career that I love to homeschool our children because I see myself getting fired and sued for not following the law and alerting parents that they children are questions their gender. Weere close to moving to Texas but there's a glim of hope. School districts are fighting back against the state and our county Sherrif like mine, Sheriff Bianco, stand up to them. But sooner rather than later we're out. Sorry for the lengthy post, just the inner thought of an American-Mexican conservative living behind enemy lines.


Great part of the interview about 3:25 in. Nick Freitas. “Conditions and catalysts” More and More people splitting ideologically. “Demoralize and deconstruct a civilization you now have one major political entity and movement that is fully dedicated and embraced those things.” When one of those sides gets enough federal power and that is House, Senate, Presidency, and maybe the Supreme Court. At that point then the game is up. If the party which controls those things believes they should be able to use federal power to achieve what they want.” History over and over again proves Governments that control the information can in most cases control the people. Is that our governments end game currently? The government involvement in controlling information continues to increase. At the 201 Scenario Event in November 2019 their mission was made clear by Avril Haines the new Director of National Intelligence and many others. Control all “disinformation” and point all citizens to “good sources” of information instead. Their quest to control anything they deem as “disinformation” to now include using the December 2022 DOD NDAA funding bill, newly formed 2023 DOD “Biodefense” council, new DOD contract for “Argus” AI all listing controlling “misinformation” “disinformation” as their priorities. The Event 201 scenario started the talks about the priority to control information in November 2019 https://open.substack.com/pub/sergeantschultz/p/does-the-government-have-an-ambitious?r=2l3tfh&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post