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Pretty cool.  Have an awesome weekend everyone. 


Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

Taken from JRE #2035 w/Brian Simpson: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2tbLuJ4zSdqtjrnTUa5wMJ?si=985a54d8d0334457



Was thinking exactly that whilst watching. Credit to yourself and the show mate. Love listening from down under. Sydney, Australia 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Ms. Jodi

One day you will be on Joe's show. You absolutely deserve the exposure. The results of that show will help thousands of people. Those people will come to your channel and watch interviews that will speak to their struggles. Plus, it will help your business grow. I understand that you're about helping ppl but in order to help ppl your business needs all the support it can get. I appreciate what you and your wife have done for all of us.