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Hey Patreon,

Here is the full production of episode #74 with Mark Geist. What an honor it is to get Mark's story about the Benghazi attacks and to honor the ones who lost their lives that day. 

Here is the full production of episode #74 with Mark Geist. What an honor it is to get Mark's story about the Benghazi attacks and honor the ones who lost their lives that day. 




On the day that this happened now I never like the Clintons or Obama never lie any of them but on this day, the dislike turned to hate because they watched this go on and didn’t order people in there to help and how in God’s name can somebody sit back and watchthis through cameras and do nothing people ask people


I don’t know what to say. I have profound respect for Shawn and Oz for this episode. Finished the Sarah Adams episode also, and I feel like it was the last nail in the coffin for my trust in the government. I’d rather be informed than ignorant, and am thoroughly appreciative of this platform and the information being provided. I hope someday I can get back to having a relationship with Christ like both of these men do.