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There is a lot to dig into within this episode. Nick Freitas, a former Green Beret and now a Virginia state delegate, expounds on numerous topics that seem to be continually affecting our country.

Listen closely and let us know what you gained from this episode. 




Great part of the interview about 3:25 in. Nick Freitas. “Conditions and catalysts” More and More people splitting ideologically. “Demoralize and deconstruct a civilization you now have one major political entity and movement that is fully dedicated and embraced those things.” When one of those sides gets enough federal power and that is House, Senate, Presidency, and maybe the Supreme Court. At that point then the game is up. If the party which controls those things believes they should be able to use federal power to achieve what they want.” History over and over again proves Governments that control the information can in most cases control the people. Is that our governments end game currently? The government involvement in controlling information continues to increase. At the 201 Scenario Event in November 2019 their mission was made clear by Avril Haines the new Director of National Intelligence and many others. Control all “disinformation” and point all citizens to “good sources” of information instead. Their quest to control anything they deem as “disinformation” to now include using the December 2022 DOD NDAA funding bill, newly formed 2023 DOD “Biodefense” council, new DOD contract for “Argus” AI all listing controlling “misinformation” “disinformation” as their priorities. The Event 201 scenario started the talks about the priority to control information in November 2019 https://open.substack.com/pub/sergeantschultz/p/does-the-government-have-an-ambitious?r=2l3tfh&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post


I could be best friends with this guy! We have been homesteading for 8 years. We have done a combination of private school, co-ops, and homeschool with our different kids. We mentor several young boys and teach them to be strong, masculine men. Thank you for talking about ALL of this!