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Happy Friday Patreon,

We got a few new SRS episodes in editing this week that we cannot wait to share. Sorry for the background, the AC got a bit loud on this one but it was too hot to kill it. We had a data management day and filmed this old school on the phone. No memory card required. 

Coming back in HD next week. New Tier II pistol lesson Monday and PCC setup coming soon.

I can't say it enough. Thank you for supporting us at Vigilance Elite. You make the Shawn Ryan Show possible and we very much appreciate you.

Have a great weekend.



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I’m just catching up on posts, been working, but John is doing fine. You have to get comfortable being in front of the camera. Just like anything else. Super proud to be a tier 3 guy. Keep on keeping on brothers!


Also…congrats on the kid!!! You’ll make a great dad! Just don’t overthink it. When the shitting & crying is done, & the kid can talk, make sure you pass on your knowledge to them, even if you think your experience is sketchy. It’s your child. They chose you to be their father. They can handle it. Never lie to them.