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Hello Patreon,

In this VE Discussion we talk about upcoming videos, shooting and future Patreon content. 

Taking a test drive in the new studio (making sure all the cameras/mics are working and recording properly). Please let us know what you think. We're moving forward quickly and lots more SRS is coming up fast. Cannot wait to share the first episode in the new studio. New shooting and Patreon exclusives also in production.

Thank you for your support. This community makes Vigilance Elite possible.



(No title)



Angles 1 and 4 look the best


A rule in traditional martial arts training is that you do not train technical skills with endurance training. Every now & then you might test yourself, but you separate building the muscle memory training from your endurance training. Which is what I think Shawn is getting at, maybe without saying it that way. And if we’re being honest this is martial arts training.