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Hello Patreon,

Just wrapped up shooting an awesome future SRS episode with a cartel reporter that is now in editing. Wanted to do a quick visual on one of the subjects that we covered in the interview.

I can't wait to publish this episode!

Have a great day. Pistol lesson coming at you tonight Tier II and Tier III.



(No title)



This is the kind of easy to comprehend explaination that we should be getting from our 4th estate, if our 4th estate wasn’t so fucking corrupt.


This is basically the two is one, one is none mantra, but multiplied tens of thousands of times. The only saving grace might be that the mules could be easier to catch than the large vehicle. But this would require a large security force at the boarder.


4th estate is hurting these days. I think you'll like the next few episodes of SRS that are in editing now.


One could make the argument that it would be advantageous to criminal organizations for some of the mules to get caught, tying up limited resources, as a distraction from the rest of the traffic. It's a serious issue.