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Hey Patreon, 

Typically, for our tier 3/4 patrons, we offer them the opportunity to pose a question to the upcoming guest. In preparation for my interview with Don Lemon, we conducted a poll soliciting questions. Surprisingly, the post received considerable negative feedback. Moving forward, we will ensure to furnish additional context on contentious topics such as this.

Please watch the video for clarity. 


Anna Clark

Love it!! If our views are never challenged we will never grow.


I think it would've been a great interview. If you have historical context you can challenge and perhaps educate or at the very least get clarity of agenda's , political positioning and strategy. Without open dialogue you can't challenge the status quo and perhaps turn a corner.

Dale Shifflett

I trust you Shawn! But I don’t know if I can sit and listen to that Ass Clown Lemon!

Dan Anderson

We have to keep having conversation with those we disagree with to hopefully get closer to the truth, and at minimum, understand one another more. Maybe were not that far apart after all. Thanks Shawn.

Ian fussy30

I agree u need to talk to everyone and not enough people are willing to talk to people they don’t agree with and I think that is a lot of what has caused us to be ware we are


Agreed, a wise man once said that an error doesn't become a mistake until he refuses to correct it 👍🏼