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Yesterday I closed on a plot of land where we will build SRS studios. I can’t believe we’re here, an idea that started in the attic of my home, then moved to a small garage space in town, to what will be a free standing building on a plot of land out in the country.

All happening ironically the same week as episode #100. Hard work really does pay off if you stick with it. I am a very blessed man.

Thank you for all for being here.



Al Cohol

Congratulations!!! All very, very well deserved, Sean and also on your 100th vid episode. Keep it F'n Going!


We appreciate all the kind words. If it wasn't for all of our support on Patreon a lot of this wouldn't have been possible. Thank you all!

Tom Robinson

Congratulations! Well deserved and I’m sure will be amazing

Brad Brown

Congratulations! Hard work does pay off!