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Hey everyone, weekly update coming later. I spent a good chunk of my evening re-exporting and re-uploading the v0.03 links.

Nothing content wise has changed so no need to re-download (Though I did include a fix for the Endurance bug because it was stupidly easy to fix and I was totally overthinking it...). However, I did remove the beast content from the download links on the Patreon Page.

From now on, you'll have to download a patch for the beast content separately from my blog:

I haven't been told, asked or forced to do this. It's just something I should have been doing in the first place, as an extra precaution. It's no secret that Patreon isn't a big fan of adult content. The riskier your content is, the more likley they are to step in and terminate the account. With the way Patreon is headed lately, I won't be all that surprised if I wake up one morning to find my page terminated, and with possibly no way of getting it back, even with certain changes made.

I don't plan on changing the content of my game at all. Only how I deliver certain content (like beast content) to you guys. It probably still won't be enough to resist Patreon's inevitable removal of all adult content from the platform. But changes like this, while annoying, might help buy us some time until a better platform than Patreon appears...

Right now, Patreon is still the most convenient platform. So I will continue to use it as long as I am able.

Thanks for your support and understanding. Leave a comment or message me if you have any questions about this change or the future.

~ Jim



I don't like having to download it separately :/


I understand, it's not an ideal solution. In anycase, for now it's only a 6mb patch. It won't take that much longer for you guys to download and overwrite. Takes me a lot longer to prepare though... But it's for the best. Beats getting the page terminated for being unnecessarily careless.


I am of the wrong mind that uploading separate is frustrating but if it prevents you from closing your page then I think you made the right decision


Yes, for now it's just a precaution. Who knows if it will work. But the way I see it, It's safer this way if they do search through the content at some point.


U can never be to careful with patreon


i guess this is a good idea to prevent patreon from doing unspeakable things to you. I just hope that it is not too much of a hassle to develop/upload these things seperately? Btw... was this the weekly update or is there still something to look forward to?? =)


It should be fine to handle. Ha! of course this wasn't the weekly update! It's up now.


What I am thinking about is that those discussions and content polls here involving banned content are also unsafe. Can Discord be used for polls? I mean, does it have that functionality?


Like I said, it's more a matter of it being the most convenient for now. I could use something like straw-poll, but that could lead to duplicate votes and things of that nature which provide skewed results, and only around half of my patrons are on discord, so a lot of people would miss out. But I know what you mean, I think I will just make sure to use "safer" terminology in the future when referring to that content. Problem is, I also want to refrain from confusing everyone who isn't in the loop.