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Hey guys, thanks for voting in the v0.04 Content Poll #2. The results were:

  • Impregnation Sex Scene with Jebadiah,
  • Sex Scene Featuring a 'Non-Infected' Horse (Non-Combat).

This is a poll to determine Jebadiah's sex scene. This poll will be more basic in options since I kind of intended for this to be an impregnation scene with Jebadiah, but I still wanted to give you guys the choice. There's plenty of days on the farm, so he doesn't need to have a vaginal based, impregnation scene right away. :)

Single choice this time.

Remember to vote in the poll for the 'Non-Infected' Horse's sex scene as well.

I'll have a weekly update at some point in the next 24 hours, along with the first 2 pages of 'OIL: Chapter Two' for you guys. Thanks for your support!

~ Jim



Btw dude if Tiffany is already pregnant can we still fuck jebadiah later on after the pregnancy


Yes, you can fuck him if you are pregnant, and later after you've given birth. Same with Dr. Milburn, though I have to add that in still.


Can't wait =D any chance that any or both those scenes (Robert and horse) get 2 postitions? Like the first Robert encounter? That would be absolutely amazing =D Even if one of the two positions (let's say horse gets deepthroat and doggy in the poll) gets less attention because of time reasons. Or is that simply too much? Again: sry for my ignorance; no idea how long something like that would take u^^


I’ll definitely do some scenes like that in the future, I can’t promise anything here because I want to release this small version in the next 11 days. (10 if you don’t count Christmas) so I’m really short on time as it is. We’ll see though. I’ll try and keep the gameplay stuff simple so I have more time for renders.


When is the Jebediah scene happening? After delivering Roberts baby or would that scene kill his legacy?


It will only be an impregnation scene if Tiffany isn't already pregnant. Otherwise It will just be a normal sex scene. You won't be forced to abort Robert's or Dr. Milburn's baby.