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Hey everyone, especially the $1 patrons, Sorry it's been so long since I posted an update you guys could see. You guys will be getting v0.03 on December 25th (or a little earlier...)

Bit of a Spoiler Warning for you $1 Patrons. Some of this news here might reveal a few things from v0.03. So avoid if you want to remain completely unspoiled until you can play the game.

Here is access to the results from the two v0.04 content polls so you have an idea of what's coming up.

And here are some images from v0.03 that I haven't show all patrons:

Right, onto the new stuff.

So, what have I done this past week since release? A bunch of stuff, but primarily some behind the scenes things, managing some of my social media accounts and dealing with the Tumblr apocalypse. I created a twitter account since Tumblr has killed adult accounts/content. If you want, you can follow me on my new twitter here: https://twitter.com/Jimjim_3DX

I also needed to spend a day or so dealing with some other things and projects that I'd been neglecting while releasing TD v0.03 and of course working my usual job as well. $10 Patrons, will have seen the updates made to Ridori's (From OIL) model. And I'll be posting the first two comic pages of 'OIL: Chapter Two' for them after this post.

I also did one of these full HD renders for Vanessa as well. Mainly because it annoyed me that I never did a full-body render of her before (not even in tests!) So here, enjoy:

^Remember to view in full size ;)

Okay, but what about v0.04? Yep, been working on that too :)

Mostly on some behind the scenes coding stuff. I'm trying to do a better job of setting up things in advance to avoid a massive rush/delay at the end. So things are going a bit better this time around, but it's not really easy to show that...

I fixed the v0.03 endurance bug, It was super easy, I feel really stupid with how much I was overthinking it. I updated the v0.03 download links with it purely for the benefit of those who haven't played yet (Basically $1 and Public). No need to re-download if you have already played, Just wait for v0.04 in a couple of weeks time...

Speaking of release. When is v0.04 coming out? Well... My goal for v0.04 was to make a short version with a bit more content before focusing on v0.05 in January. Basically the current plan is to release whatever I have done at the end of the year, then everything else will be pushed back to v0.05. But that depends how much I can get done in the next 9 days at this point. Which in all honesty, probably isn't a whole lot. It's an especially busy time of year for all, so I'm not sure how much time I even have to work on the game. But I don't want v0.04 to be a repeat of v0.03. So I don't want to be delaying it well into January. So then, what's going to happen? I'll consider my options closer to the 31st. But my guess is v0.04 will release around then with whatever content is ready. Then v0.05 will finish the rest, and continue the main story towards the end of January. It's probably best to think of v0.04 as a small bonus version. An end of year gift, and apologies for the delays of v0.03.

NEW IMAGES!? Yes! Enough with that. Here's some new stuff.

In v0.04 I plan to add this new, farm outfit for Tiffany. Jebadiah will give it to her to use while she helps him with all future non-combat farm tasks. There were two possible designs and $10 patrons voted to go with this one. Take a look:

^Also full HD :)

And here's a look at in game:

^I still need to make the 2D sprite for it. Also there will be different dialogue depending on previous choices.

There's still a bunch of images to make for it, but all of the expressions for dialogue are done. You will be able to wear this outfit and continue working on the farm even if you refuse Jebadiah's trade deal. However, you won't be able to continue working if you don't at least agree to wear the outfit for him.

There will be at least 1 sex scene with this outfit, and hopefully some other images as well. :)

I also decided to add in George (Robert's brother) and his gun shop. I didn't want the 'Robert's Legacy' quest to be on hiatus for that much longer so you'll be able to continue it a bit further in v0.04. Here's a look at him in an early version of his shop/house:

^ Like a number of other characters, George has been watching Tiffany's actions and will respond accordingly...

He's certainly a big guy, bigger than his younger brother for sure! There should be some interesting scenes with him in the future. ;) I have one scene I'd really like to include, but I don't think I'll have the time :\ If there's no sex scene with him in v0.04, then there will definitely be one in v0.05.

The main reason I'm adding him in this version is not actually for the quest, but for his shop. He trades in cash still, so now you can sell your items that you don't want/need. He's also the #1 place in 'Ashton Lake' to buy weapons and ammo, including this new addition...

Yep, I'm adding a shotgun weapon. :)

There's a lot of image variations left to do for it, but what zombie game would this be without a pump action shotty? It does a bunch of damage, and should hit multiple targets for some secondary damage (I still need to test that!). It should kill most normal zombies in 1 hit, and most of the bigger ones in 1-3 hits. However, shotgun shells will be much rarer than 9mm, and not cheap either (still tweaking prices...)

You'll be able to purchase the Shotgun from George for a pretty hefty price (it will probably take a while to get that much spare cash!). Or, if Tiffany can prove that she's pregnant with Robert's child, she'll get access to Robert's hidden stash which contains a shotgun, some ammo and more.

This adds a nice little extra for those role-playing as a non-slut Tiffany. There will be a number of monetary rewards added in the coming versions to tempt non-slut Tiffanies into engaging in depraved acts so that she can afford the resources she needs to survive the town. Getting impregnated by Robert, was just the first of many such events that Tiffany can partake in to help bypass saving so much money.

Also, before I forget. There's some polls going on right now that I should mention. There's a poll/discussion on Pregnancy Length, for $5+ Patrons. It looks like the result of that poll is going to be switching the 7 day pregnancy cycles to 3 day cycles. I think this is a good choice for now as it will help me focus development better. After day 7 or 8, I will add the option in to choose your pregnancy length (3, 5 or 7 days).

Also, there are 2 polls going on for $10 Patrons to decide the poses for the main sex scenes from v0.04. It's the poses for the top 2 winners from the v0.04 content poll #2.

Oh, and since the 2 sex scenes for this version are still being voted on for another day or so. I decided to start working on something the game has definitely been missing so far:

I don't know if I'll be able to finish it in time for v0.04, but I'll try! The game was definitely missing a tit-fuck scene, and since the regular zombies are still the most encountered enemy, I decided they should get an extra scene to keep things interesting when losing/submitting to them. :)

I'll try and add scene skipping (for unlocked scenes), and scene selection (for sluts) to make going through the sex scenes easier, especially to find the scene you're looking for. I plan on adding a scene gallery in the future, but it's not a priority right now.

Right, that's all for now. I'll try and keep you guys a bit better updated. As I move towards the end of the year. Expect another weekly update around this time next week (for reals this time). Thanks for all your support! And welcome to all the new patrons that have been signing up lately. It means a lot to me.

~ Jim



Is the sydney blowjob scene still happening? Other than that everything looks amazing, keep up the great work man! :)


Sydney blowjob scene is available in v0.03. You should have access to it for over a week now? I think you might need to select a reward tier. I think you are pledging $15 but havn't selected a reward. It might be restricting your access to tier specific posts?


You should select the $10 'Special Forces' tier to get access to every post.


I think Patreon may have recently changed how tier based posts work, I don't think it shows you them unless you have selected a rewards tier. Even if you've pledged higher.


Wait no 15$ my bad


Yeah, I think if you edit your pledge, and just select a reward as well. It should fix your access. I think it will let you keep your custom amount if you want.


Can't wait for some action with Roberts brother


Oh wow thanks jim never knew haha


George looks like an absolute beast! =D I can't wait for some action w/ him^^ Also I am curious about that special pose u hinted at^^ Is he bigger than his brother in every aspect? :P


Hope you can go and see everything fine now. Hopefully you havn't missed out on too much!


Idk... you'll have to wait and see ;) You can kind of make out a pretty hefty bulge in his pants, though it's obscured a bit...


Can you make tit fuck scene with zombie futa? Please i love it


There will be a variety of scenes of all enemies added over time. I’ll let people vote for which enemy they want to see more scenes for in 0.05.


Hey jim how do i get the beast patch to work so i can see? Not sure how overwright the game files?


After extracting both .rar archives, there should be two ‘Terminal’ folders. Merge the beast patch’s “Terminal” folder (copy or cut and paste) with the base games “Terminal Folder”. There should be 8 files to overwrite.


After doing all that it said failed to load tiff fucked scene 05_01.png? Idk its wierd


PC or Mac? You should never get a failed to load error. Only a different image with instructions on where to find the patch. It's possible I may have messed up somewhere if it's the Mac version.


Do you have "Tiff_fucked_Scene5_01.rpgmvp" in your Terminal/www/img/pictures folder?


You'll only get the failed to load error if the image isn't there, or the file is corrupt somehow. I tested the PC version. Though I did just find a bug in the Mac version...


Yes i do have it just checked


Okay, that’s really weird. It worked for me in testing. I will try again tomorrow on a different computer to double check it’s not a problem with the files. Did you get the “failed to load” error message and a crash, both before and after overwriting the files?


No just after overwriting but no crash just says failed to load


Ah, I think I know what the problem is. Sorry, it’s a problem on my end with file encryption. I will reupload later today when I can. Sorry about that, and thanks for your help in diagnosing the problem.


Ahh ok cool no problem man


I have re-exported, and re-uploaded the main files and patches for both versions and updated the links. Unfortunately you'll have to download both the game and the patch again for it to work. You can use your existing saves though. Just copy your "save" folder (Terminal\www\save) and paste it some where safe, then delete the old game files, download the new files, and after extracting and setting them up, simply overwrite the default "save" folder your backed up one and continue playing. Sorry for this inconvenience, but this won't happen again now that I know what the problem was. :)