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Nothing much new content wise. Primarily polish and optimization with a couple of small additional features. Take a look at the changelog below to see if it interests you. Mostly for those who haven't played yet, or intend on replaying before v0.02.

The rest of the month will be focused on new content for the v0.02 release at the end of the month for $5+ Patrons.


* Added new sprites for Tiffany to better reflect her current number of Armor Pieces.

* You can now toggle Tiffany's footstep sounds using a key item.

* The 'Reload' action will now be hidden if Tiffany can't reload, to prevent accidentally wasting a combat turn with a full clip.

* Reduced file size by 270 MB by removing unused RPG Maker files.

* Adjusted default audio levels.

* Changed the music during some of the more serious story moments.

* Fixed some minor bugs with the opening cutscene.

* Fixed Tiffany's dialogue expressions if she hates ugly men, but accepts Robert's impregnation proposal anyway.

* Fixed Robert's dialogue portrait for when he's shirtless.

* Fixed a minor 'Armor Piece' bug after Robert's impregnation scene.

* Fixed some minor quest journal bugs.

* Fixed some typos.




very nice just played and got to the end, which made me donate you some $, like to the more come out keep up the good work bud :)!


Absolutely love it! =D halfway through I knew that I would become a $10 patreon of yours! Can't wait to see where this is going! Again: one of the best hgames out there imho! =D Please keep up the great work! =D


Thanks for the feedback and the support! I decided to make this game because I liked what a lot of others were doing with their 3D Hgames, but nobody was really focusing on the types of fetishes and characters I was in to. So here we are! I've got big plans for this game so I hope you'll enjoy where the story goes. Glad to have you on board.


Found your game on a typical website and wow i love it so i instantly looked for your patreon side and just became a patreon. I hope for much more updates of this very lovely game. Good work so far...


Thanks for the support! I have lots of plans for this game, so as long as people keep playing it I will keep making updates.


love the game but there is a huge bug with the journal when you view it. it pretty much freezes the game all together (which was the only problem i have seen and keep up the good work)


That's odd. I havn't heard of anyone report any issues with the journal before. Is it all time or only at certain points in the game? I'm not having any issues with it and not sure if anyone else is. What's your system like?


its when i check out the basement quest in the journal it gives a system error aka i have to close the game and reopen it


OK, if that’s true then it’s something I can fix easily, though I already fixed the same bug in v0.01a, you’re definitely using v0.01b, correct? Is it when you first get the quest? Or is it after you’ve completed some of the objectives already? The more info you can give the easier it will be for me to find the problem. :)


yes its v0.01b. it gives out the quest fine and gives me no problems after i finish an objective its only when you try to select it in your journal it gives a System Error right when you go to select it it's almost instantly gives a system error.


Hmmm, I can't seem to replicate it yet. Could you send me the save file where you get the crash? In Terminal\www\save. You can email it as an attachment to jimjim3dx@gmail.com I'll see if I get the crash using your save file.


Nevermind, somebody else reported the issue with more info and I managed to find the problem. I've fixed it for v0.02