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UPDATE: Since we reached $250 in support so quickly, now the top 2 in this poll will get added to the game.


Wow, thank you guys so much. We just smashed that first goal in a couple of days! I'll probably add another goal for $250 when I can think of another reward for it.

Anyway, for helping me reach this goal, as promised all patrons will get the chance to help decide on a new enemy to be added into the game. They will be an additional enemy that Tiffany can encounter while exploring the town, like the zombies that are in right now.

When voting, keep in mind that the infected Robert boss fight will be added in v0.02.

Although, he's a unique story enemy, so he won't be appearing again, unlike these enemies.

You can vote for all the options that you'd like to see. The one with the most votes at the end of the month will be added to v0.03 at the end of November.



Hmm... Could I start a petition to get all of them and this is just a sort of priority ranking? :P even though some other monsters would be nice as well but it's a very appealing start haha ;)


Yes, obviously I have plans to add a lot of these enemies anyway. So you could say it's more of a priorities list. But most of the enemies will be added much later, whereas this is your chance to get one of them early. I have plans for a bunch of creatures and monsters, some of which will be a part of the main story as bosses or unique events. But feel free to post your suggestions here and I will consider them. I am sure we will have many more of these polls in the future. These were all just the basic ones I could think of right now that I wanted to add to the early game. My main focus will be on things that fit the zombie theme, but that’s fairly flexible. Just look at something like the resident evil franchise and there’s all sorts of things in there.

Vito Scorcesse

Futa zombies......gimme gimme.


Yes, the virus sure seems to have a lot of different, varying side effects... ;)

Stuntman Shocking Lopez

Oh Yes!, FUTA FUTA FUTAAA!!!!...., i mean... im interested on futa. XD


I have 2 questions for you my good sir^^ Is the game gonna have a bit more of a rapey route as well? Almost no game out there has that. In the game so far you had the option to choose between submit or not... but will the not-submi route be developed a bit more or is that something you are not really comfortable with... which I would understand but imo that gem of a game you have there is very predestined for it^^ And the other question would be: did you ever consider x-ray shots?^^ but either way: still love the potential of the game! =D


I agree that futa is quite nice... but there is sooo much of it already out there (just like tentacle... soooo damn much of it out there already)^^ I would like to see some other stuff before that but that is just me =) On the other hand... as long as we have gigantic thits and massive schlongs I'm a happy little boy =)


Depends what you consider "rapey". There will be some domination and mind break stuff if Tiffany doesn't submit. But nothing super hardcore on that front. It will be possible to play the entire game without having sex or becoming anyone's slut (if you want to be some sort of hot, badass zombie slayer). When Tiffany loses a fight she can use endurance points to resist and get back in the fight. Endurance costs will be different depending on the enemy. For example, Infected Robert will take more endurance points to resist. Endurance will be restored by sleeping (probably added in v0.03). When she has no endurance she's forced to submit because she's too exhausted to think straight or resist. I will also be adding an addiction mechanic for when she's defeated by certain opponents too many times. It's important for me to have lots of different ways to play. I also want to make sure that sex scenes aren't locked behind some arbitrary "corruption level" or something. Sex scenes will always be available to any Tiffany, there will just be different dialogues and facial expressions depending on each player's choices for how their Tiffany is supposed to act. X-ray shots will be nice, but they'd take more time so I won't promise any for now but we'll see in the future. Once we've got the base game established we can always go back and add things/extra options later.


For now, the main two paths I'll be focusing on will be "Serious Tiffany" who tries her best in combat until she is eventually defeated and becomes "Slutty Tiffany". Whenever I have time I will go back and add extra options for other paths though.


Thx for the quick response! Yeah that was pretty much exactly what I meant =) The fact that the face and dialogue changes (like that little tweak where the zombie either held her head or did not) is awesome! Looking forward to many many many many more updates ;) btw: it's nice to see you are a creator who responds to his fans =D


Also there won't be lame "Bad Ends" where you get a game over screen at the half way point and have to start again and pick a different option to progress. Instead, Tiffany will be forced to continue on with your terrible perverted decisions, haha! Of course there could be many "bad ends" at the very end of the game. Just nothing that cuts the game short before it's proper point of conclusion.


No worries, I'm here to have fun and create an ambitious project that caters to a number of different play styles. So I'm all about interacting with everyone and getting their input. :)


While futa won't really be in the main focus of the story, I have no problem adding futa characters as side enemies or encounters. Gotta appease the futa gods some how. :)


Those gremlins you made before would be awesome to see in this game, other than that its a great game man :)


Yeah, if I can come up with a creative way to add them into the game later on, I will.


Damn, I can´ t believe how busy your comment sections got over such a short period of time. I personally am not a big fan of futa, but if the majority wants to see them, who am I to be mad. More content is good for everyone :D


Yes, it’s really amazing to see the flood of support from some of the sites i’ve been posting to. Get’s me pumped up to do my best for v0.02! As for futa, I get you, but I will be adding most of these enemies eventually, the longer this project goes on the more types of encounters there will be. Besides, I’d prefer futa zombie than female zombie as an enemy if I think about it, haha. :) More exciting defeat scenes.


love the game so far but will there be titty action soon? (keep it up)


Yes, the game will have plenty of tit-fuck action eventually. how soon it get’s added will depend on what Patron’s vote to see for new defeat scenes. :)


Jimjim, congrats on crushing $250 so incredibly fast! Now you gotta come up with some new rewards :p


Yes, I've been racking my brains trying to think of something I can give you guys as a thanks, but also won't eat up all of my dev time since I've already committed to a lot of things. I am thinking I will also add the second highest voted enemy to come into the game in v0.04 or something. But that could be a little underwhelming for some.


I wouldnt phrase it as "underwhelming". You stated 500 as your next pledge goal, so having a "bonus" reward for 250 sounds great, to me atleast.

Ari Korpela

Agreed! Considering many of the patreons ive seen lately demanding thousands of cash and give very little in return or outright drop dead.... Compared to them this one seems like a massive upgrade to the right direction.