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First of all, can I just say a huge thank you to everyone who's pledged so far. Especially all of the $10 Patrons. I honestly didn't expect to get so much support in just a couple of days. At this rate we might even hit that first goal!

Alright, I've finally had a day off work to sit down and do some proper testing of some things in v0.01a . While I've found nothing major, there are heaps of really small things which when all added up make me a little frustrated.

So! I'm working on a little update.

I'm fixing a bunch of things and adding some really minor features as well. Such as these new sprites for Tiffany that will change as she loses armor pieces so it will now match the CGs of her at all times. Obviously sprites aren't my main priority so I won't be doing this for every character right away. But Tiffany is important since she's the player character. Also she has a cute little mouth now :)

Honestly though, it probably won't be worth playing again, unless you were planing on playing it again anyway before v0.02. I'm not going to stop you of course, but it will only be a slightly more polished version of what you've already played. It's mainly just so I can update all the public links to get a more polished demo out there.

I hope to have it up in a few hours. Here first, then I'll be updating the public links on all the sites I've been posting at.

Thanks again for your support,


P.S. If you're a $5+ Patron, remember to click here and either suggest a design for the nurse character or upvote/like one of the existing suggestions so I will know which one to pick in a couple of days.



---------------------------------------- v0.01b ---------------------------------------- * Added new sprites for Tiffany to better reflect her current number of Armor Pieces. * You can now toggle Tiffany's footstep sounds using a key item. * The 'Reload' action will now be hidden if Tiffany can't reload, to prevent accidentally wasting a combat turn with a full clip. * Reduced filesize to 200MB by removing unused default RPG Maker files. * Adjusted default audio levels. * Changed the music during some of the more serious story moments. * Fixed some minor bugs with the opening cutscene. * Fixed Tiffany's dialogue experssions if she hates ugly men, but accpets Robert's impregnation proposal anyway. * Fixed Robert's dialogue portrait for when he's shirtless. * Fixed a minor 'Armor Piece' bug after Robert's impregnation scene. * Fixed some minor quest journal bugs. * Fixed some typos.


That's the changelog. I have to go out for 1 hour. I will upload and post the link when I get back


Alright, It's uploading. File size is 240MB which is less then half of v0.01a