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Didn't know Michael was managing a private site as well, I guess I missed that info somehow. Where can one join it?


Very informative segment, thanks for bringing this together.


Lots of questions, but I think the answers will be limited.


He’s on Patreon at Tour Guide Earth (I’m pretty sure)


Thanks, indeed there's an account with that name but no options available to join nor does it display any content..


Hi Timo, here is a link for CV members to sign up on Tour Guide Earth at a discounted rate: https://www.earthtg.com/plans/294054?bundle_token=74a062fc6ae0c4ba2b92b2b9b7a4619a&utm_source=manual


Wow, what an important update! Thanks so much Dick, Martee and Michael.


Dick, can you ask your special friend about the main projects hes holding? i remember him mentioning a while ago, but what are his updated coins? is he BIG into AI projects? i would be shocked if he wasnt massively invested in AGIx or some sort of mega AI blockchain.


To the CryptoViewing team, thanks for bringing us this important info. I really appreciate the discussion at the end where y’all offered advice on what we can do to prepare. PLEASE continue to include & expand these conversations. It’s JUST as important! It helps me to plan & be as prepared as possible. I don’t see much pushback from the population; you’d think they’d be highly critical after the c0vid scam. I think Dick is right; CBDC’s will be implemented, so how can we navigate this takeover?!


I do not buy it for a second that this is the be all end all CBDC coin. That may be what they are trying to look and sound like but NO! Here is the CEOs linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/konanykhin


I don't doubt this is happening, but the IMF has denied using DMCA/Unicoin. Still worth watching tho, because it's going to happen, just I think this coin is not it. But that's just because the news changed the following day, on the day, it did seem like it was an IMF project. IMF then denied it the following day and Unicoin modified their press release.


I have decided to reclaim my state nationalhood as Michael referred to a little over an hour in. It may be a futile effort but at least I hope to also register myself as an individual banker and skirt some of the new CBDCs as referred to. Or at least have maximum relative control over it vs the government.


Sorry, but I have my doubts about Gold and Silver never going back to being used as money as Michael claims around the 37 min mark. It ignores a few *important* factors: 1- CBDCs are being rejected wherever they get forced (in Nigeria and China so far) so the population is getting wise to what those CBDCs really mean, just like there's a growing awakening about "conspiracies" being exposed. Rioting will get worse - everywhere and it's because of loss of faith in governments (pensions, inflation strikes, etc...). 2- Metals are flying off the shelves and especially constitutional silver. "This time could be it" .... Yeah, Bix is a bit of a hick, but he's on to something. Cliff High is no idiot either. 3- Big one: the coming energy cliff is being completely ignored, surprisingly. Why are the elites in a rush to limit travel, promote "green solutions" and wage the war on carbon ? It's sure as sh*t not to help the planet, but to help themselves. Our technology and related environments (manufacturing, distribution, usage, etc...) are EXTREMELY FRAGILE. Just wait 'til oil prices start reflecting the diminishing returns in the sector. Oh, and when foreign nations dump the dollars, what do you think that'll do to energy prices in North America, expressed in dollars? All of you should start paying attention to what Steve St-Angelo preaches.... 4- Finally and not least: solar activity. Head to "Suspicious0bservers" on YT. The next 2 years are gonna be RICH in CMEs. "Ra" squirted a major load of solar material 3 weeks ago. Lucky for us it was on the opposite side. Had that hit us, our fancy IT dependent civilization would have been a thing of history. So .... no. PMs aren't going to be ignored, that's for damn sure. Ask Venezuelans and Argentinians, see what they think....


DCMA and the unicoin are a joke. Not real competitors at all in the bridge currency marketplace. Can't hold a candle to the XRP, XLM, XDC's of the world that have been tested for all of these years. Rosie Rios did a segment promoting unicoin about 9 months ago...completely inconsequential coin...and, of course, she happens to be the ex-treasurer of the US whose signature is on ALL of the dollars and...a Ripple board member. This coin is taken very seriously in this presentation. 😳


Conversations from a friend Mike does Private Consultation to the public on Earthtg website???


what ever the garbage IMF, DMCA plan will not work... all their doing is stealing P.M funds all their doing is pump faking, front runnning, lip service < All Talk...


CBDC won't work if they don't have power or internet, an EMP will render CBDC useless...


Is a BS fraud DMCA, IMF Fake Unicourt , she's promoting fake bs coin.


Well I'm not on their side, but it was just that the news came out immediately after the next day. Could be just public relations or damage control. I don't doubt it.


Come on guys, this video is so gloomy! This looks like just another crypto startup. Unicorn? Unicoin? I couldn't take this video seriously, LOL! Even your off camera guest didn't comprehend the INsignificance of this thing. although he was very hesitant about any questions put to him. Why would anyone use this shit coin blockchain when the BTC, ETH, LTC blockchains, which work better and have been validated over the last 10 to 15 years, do these transactions right now? You can write contracts with ETH. (Haven't kept up with BTC or LTC.) On top of that transactions would loose value on converting Good Crypto to this thing to transmit. Use your heads guys. It really does comes down to the transactions. And the big question, why would anyone give up freedom for this slavery? No incentive to do so. The gun wont work either, in North America. BTW, will the SEC go after it like everything else as a security? lol! Lighten up. I think the FED is at war with the ECB, hence higher interest rates to save the dollar at the expense of the banks. Which BTW, is killing Europe. An article on this coin came out on Zerohedge on April 15th 2023. This developer must have good marketing contacts. You guys are good on remote viewing with images, not as good as Clif's linguistics by far, but you get lots of hits. As for your analysis, well IMHO, you should stick to remote viewing. Besides we already have XRP. BW really hates that one, lol. You want to do metals, stocks, bonds, cash, paintings, cars, anything, Veri is still out there. Have a better day and don't worry so much, especially you Dick, you're on a beach in Hawaii EVERY day! Enjoy it bro!


Gold and silver are for the un-techies. There are many, many people that don't know the blockchain and never will. You have to admit, those addresses are freaking long! And they need double or tipple checking before you hit SEND.