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On March 13 1997 the city of Phoenix experienced a UAP event whereby a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects were observed in the skies over the states of Arizona and Nevada, as well as New Mexico and California. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of Arizona residents in a space of over 300 miles. There were multiple events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, witnesses reported seeing a large, V-shaped object traveling southeast. And a series of stationary lights were seen in the Phoenix area. In the 26 years since this event, the mystery remains unsolved.   

This video, in two parts, is in part one - BLIND remote viewing of the event by Daz Smith & Dick Allgire in 2015. Part Two is an Interview with Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. a witness and expert in the history of the Phoenix Lights events about the remote viewing data and the actual witnessed events.


🟡Remote Viewing the Phoenix Lights Event of 1997

On March 13 1997 the city of Phoenix experienced a UAP event whereby a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects were observed in the skies over the states of Arizona and Nevada, as well as New Mexico and California. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of Arizona residents in a space of over 300 miles. There were multiple events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, witnesses reported seeing a large, V-shaped object traveling southeast. And a series of stationary lights were seen in the Phoenix area. In the 26 years since this event, the mystery remains unsolved. This video, in two parts, is in part one - BLIND remote viewing of the event by Daz Smith & Dick Allgire in 2015. Part Two is an Interview with Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. a witness and expert in the history of the Phoenix Lights events about the remote viewing data and the actual witnessed events. LINKS: =========================== Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. https://thephoenixlights.net/Bio.htm The Phoenix Lights - Documentary Courtesy of Dr Lynne D. Kitei https://thephoenixlights.net/Documentary.htm PHOENIX LIGHTS BOOK (latest 4th edition) U.S. https://amzn.com/dp/1943625778 U.K. https://is.gd/rTXxzB PHOENIX LIGHTS GRAPHIC NOVEL, ACTIVITIES COLORING BOOK for ALL Ages U.S. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1544047339 U.K. https://is.gd/jfhlbA PHOENIX LIGHTS DOCUMENTARY Streaming on Amazon.com U.S. https://is.gd/4h5R1i U.K. https://is.gd/7gaUJS The 2015 Farsight Institute original documentary: https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Phoenix_Lights_main_page.html Hit that subscribe button and ring the bell to receive notifications and updates! 🔔✅ 💥✅🚀Join Us: https://www.patreon.com/cryptoviewing 💥✅🚀Our Other (Main) Crypto Viewing (CryptoViewing) Youtube channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcOgleD2_25sVlCsvhV5b4w 💥🚀Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoViewing 💥🚀Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoViewing/ 💥🚀Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cryptoviewing/ 💥🚀Website: https://cryptoviewing.com/ 💥🚀Official Links: https://linktr.ee/CryptoViewing 🔴✅(We are on other video platforms as well. Please check our Linktree above for our links) We are a multi-disciplinary group accurately forecasting cryptos & events with military-grade remote viewing. ⬛ Please check out CryptoViewing remote viewer's personal YouTube Channels 🟠 Daz Smith ==== https://www.remoteviewed.com/ 🟠 Edward Riordan ==== https://www.youtube.com/user/erviewer 🟠 Nyiam ==== https://www.youtube.com/c/Nyiamtv 🟠 Dennis Nappi ll ==== https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCChC... Inclusive, sustainable, diversity, equity. These words are our prayer to the AI algorithm gods. #CryptoViewing #Paranormal #RemoteViewing ⚠️WARNING:⚠️ We do NOT have a Telegram. That is a scammer, as is anyone pretending to be us here in the comments who asks you to contact them about any kind of investment. We will never ask you to contact us about any kind of investment. We do not give financial advice. Everything on this channel is for entertainment purposes only.



Yea did something change, i can’t see some of the post now. And what happen to the big reveal on Sunday??


Hi Aaron, here's the Unicoin/IMF conversation: https://www.patreon.com/posts/convo-with-imf-81642271


I’m looking forward to watching this. Excellent subject for RV’ing👍


Why is the Unicoin not included in our Patreon? I think the upcoming CBDC should be front and center in all of our discussions and especially if it will impact our ability to hold other crypto.


Thank you for this Remote Viewing session! It has brought up very fond memories for me. I'm 69 and 1/2 years old. Not sure of my exact age at the time, but I met a channel, an alien entity named BASHAR, or so I was told, in my mid-twenties. I was introduced to him by my best friend Landa. I saw a picture of a nice and pleasant man named Darrly Anka that was channeling this "so called " alien, so I reluctantly agreed to accompany her. On arrival, we went into his small, insignificant and humble 2 bedroom apartment somewhere in Hollywood. We paid a very reasonable amount of money for an hour reading with him. I was very pessimistic! Truthfully, Landa convinced me to go inside! I wanted to leave! Darryl invited us into his apartment and took us into his bedroom where he positioned us on the edge of his bed, then slid up a small open backed director chair and faced us for the reading. He asked us to please be quiet while he went into his trance to summon Bashar. Suddenly a very loud booming voice surfaced and greeted us. I was actually laughing inside. I thought the whole thing was fake and I found it all very funny. We took our turn asking him questions about ourselves and him. During the entire reading I saw a very dim amber light around his body that I later reconciled was an aura. Landa saw it too. We were scared, anxious but silent on the way home trying to figure out what caused it. I finally tired of the reading and the answers given that were way over my head about 40ty minutes in and point blank asked him, " If you really are who you say you are, then why don't you just land your ships already and STOP playing this senseless game? He responded by asking me to be patient and to look to my skies over Phoenix in the year 1997 for proof that they exist. He was referring to the Phoenix Lights. This actual EVENT would be my proof many years later. Until then I was on the fence about his authenticity. I've been following Bashar since that day of my reading. In 2014, he went on record stating, "In the year 2016, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE!!! He released several videos detailing what was to come. Much of his predictions have already come to pass. I don't want to write a book here but what I will tell you is this according to Bashar; unless we come together as a nation again, by the year 2030, the United States will become a Communist country controlled by China. Through the years Bashar went to attract hundreds upon thousands of people at his seminars. He is very famous! This was his message to us in 2014....... "For the first time in humanities history, we have 2 timelines that have merged into one. Soon they will be separating, so his advice to us? "Make sure you are on the timeline you REALLY prefer because they are both accelerating at GREAT speed. For now, and my understanding is, we can vacillate between the two, but eventually we will have to pick a lane as we will eventually be fixed to one of them. Bashar described 2 parallel earths, the horrible one I just mentioned and one that will be a beautiful place for humanity. Just recently Bashar went public with another prediction. "By the year 2027, perhaps by the year 2026, toward the end of that year, there is a 95% chance that most of humanity will collectively witness an EVENT where we humans will have 100% PROOF that they exist! So........as I write this, I look forward to my next showing of proof that they are not imaginary, but undeniably REAL!


I really, really, really want to learn more about stars being holes in reality. Is there somewhere else that has more info on this?


Great Show. Another Lynn interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQI7liO-GEU


Fascinating! Thank you for sharing. Did you say when the timelines would separate?


He didn't say when the timelines would separate but he did say that he wouldn't be on the timeline to Communism, so I keep careful watch to make sure he's still here! You can find some of his videos on You Tube, but if you really want to dig in, you can buy his videos and learn a lot more about everything. The one thing he did emphasize was this; "You ARE your governments! They are an extension of you, so be VERY careful how you vote! He told us that time would be accelerating, that we would be able to manifest our reality much faster and that our beliefs would determine which timeline we would take. In other words, if you believe Communism is a good idea, you will find yourself experiencing that timeline. I was sad to hear that because a very credible poll was taken 2 years ago with Millennials. 80% of them believed Communism was the way to go. By design, the Chinese Communist Party have been infiltrating and funding our colleges and schools. My son is a Millennial and has been brainwashed into this very idea. Our relationship has been strained to the breaking point. He doesn't understand that Communism means complete control. Many kids think it means everything is free, that you don't have to work for anything and that the money from the rich will somehow get filtered down to you. This is the CCP agenda and I think anyone who is paying attention will see this.


Holy shiit. Thank you! I keep asking people on the internet why cant we see stars from the airplanes. ( I flown/fly) alot. Nobody every knows. I knew the "science" explanation was b.s.!


thanks for writing this i was just about to write that BASHAR has the answer to the phoenix lights, i have listen to his recordings many times and do find great insight into what is he is communicating.


Thank you for the clarification, Cynthia. And yes, it's very alarming what's going on in the world today. Collectivism and authoritarianism seem to be gaining the upper hand. Time for the shift to happen and for us to get off this crazy ride and on to a better, freer one.


Hi, interesting but awful music in the background !


A freaking reptilian or what ? A cat man?


1:47:45 a robotic voice saying "daz smith" what is that?


That's his own (Daz) voice but distorted because of a glitch in the connection.


There is people who say they can when they try to block out as much of the inside lights as possible. Also depends on the light pollution from below.


There were parts in the sessions from Dick and Daz that were never (?) discussed after. Meaning the building down below with the underground levels and tunnels. Is there an underground base ('DUMB'?) under Phoenix Airport? (Daz). Also the four (?) people that Dick saw that 'knew they were coming'. Who were they? How did they know? Also the Nordic/Cat shape shifting possibility (Dick) is super interesting to dive into. In Egypt there were 'Cat Gods'. They are pictured on the walls of Temples. There are also insiders who report on working with 'Cat People'.


Daz is very good in remote viewing non of us could get to such detail even after 10 years of practice